@ThreadSafe public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

A manager for stateful BuildDefinition.


Public Methods
BuildDefinition getBuildDefinition(PlanKey planKey)
Returns a stateful version the build definition for the Plan.
BuildDefinition getUnmergedBuildDefinition(PlanKey planKey)
Returns a stateful version the build definition for the Plan.
void savePlanAndDefinition(Plan plan)
Saves the Plan and the BuildConfiguration
void savePlanAndDefinition(Plan plan, BuildDefinition buildDefinition)
Convert and save the build definition.
void savePlanAndDefinition(Plan plan, BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration)
Saves the Plan and the BuildConfiguration

Public Methods

public BuildDefinition getBuildDefinition (PlanKey planKey)

Returns a stateful version the build definition for the Plan. This means that when you set various flags on it, the flags won't be lost (unless you updated your BuildDefinition. In case of PlanBranches, it will return BuildDefinition merged with Master plan.


public BuildDefinition getUnmergedBuildDefinition (PlanKey planKey)

Returns a stateful version the build definition for the Plan. This means that when you set various flags on it, the flags won't be lost (unless you updated your BuildDefinition. In case of PlanBranches, it will return BuildDefinition specific to a given PlanBranch.


public void savePlanAndDefinition (Plan plan)

Saves the Plan and the BuildConfiguration

public void savePlanAndDefinition (Plan plan, BuildDefinition buildDefinition)

Convert and save the build definition.

public void savePlanAndDefinition (Plan plan, BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration)

Saves the Plan and the BuildConfiguration