Package com.atlassian.confluence.xwork
package com.atlassian.confluence.xwork
ClassDescriptionAnnotation to mark a method whose return value should be passed to the view.Annotation to mark a method that returns a map of view data.Flash Scope allows one request to pass data to the next request if it's a redirect.Takes Flash scope objects out of the session and makes them available to the current request.Interceptor that ensures that the action method gets executed within an HTTP request with the required HTTP method.Interceptor that, when applicable, adds a key that matches the keys used in confluence-browser-metrics projects to http request stats.A wrapper around xwork's ServletRedirectResult to patch up an issue revolving around IE6's incompetency and some servlet container's inability to parse request URLs with fragment ids ("#")Takes Flash scope objects from the current request and puts them on the session.Interceptor that checks whether or not Confluence has been setup yet (that is the setup wizard has been completed).Represents a soy result.Helper class for Struts actions.