Class XalanXslTransformer

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class XalanXslTransformer extends Object implements XslTransformer

An implementation of the XslTransformer interface which will perform transforms using the Xalan Transformer.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • XalanXslTransformer

      public XalanXslTransformer()
  • Method Details

    • transform

      public Result transform(Reader stylesheet, Reader xml, Result output)
      Description copied from interface: XslTransformer

      Transform the supplied XML stream using the supplied stylesheet. If the transform fails then null will be returned.

      You control the format of the output you desire by supplying the Result implementation to be used. This supplied Result will be populated during the transform and returned.

      Specified by:
      transform in interface XslTransformer
      stylesheet - the transform to apply
      xml - the xml to be transformed
      output - the Result to be populated by the transform
      the populated output parameter or null if there was an error.
    • createXsltSource

      protected Source createXsltSource(Reader xslt)
    • createInputSource

      protected Source createInputSource(Reader xml)