Package com.atlassian.confluence.user.crowd
package com.atlassian.confluence.user.crowd
ClassDescriptionOverrides removal and addition of directories to make sure they're added to the single internal application, as well as making sure each operation os
to other nodes in a cluster to trigger the relevant updates to caches and directory monitors on each node.Crowd's event classes are not Serializable, so we need to extract the event class and directory, then reconstruct the event on the other nodes.An event used to broadcast LDAP directory updates to all the nodes in confluence cluster.Publisher responsible for publishing information about LDAP directory deletion/deactivation/updates to other nodes in cluster using eventConfluenceLdapDirectoryClearingClusterEvent
Listener responsible for handling eventConfluenceLdapDirectoryClearingClusterEvent
about LDAP directory updates in cluster.Implementation of DisabledUserManager which uses the Embedded Crowd service.Helper class for accessing information about Crowd user directoriesEnumeration of possible Crowd user directory implementation classes for analyticsEnumeration of the possible states the internal directory can be created in.Provides convenient methods to create the crowd application and internal directory optionally if one isn't found.Creates/indexes PersonalInformation as users are added or have their activation status modified.