Set the arguments to be substituted into the query.
SelectWithOffsetLimitCommand.Builder.from(String fromClause)
Set the content of the "from" clause.
SelectWithOffsetLimitCommand.Builder.groupBy(String groupByClause)
Set the content of the "group by" clause.
SelectWithOffsetLimitCommand.Builder.having(String havingClause)
Set the content of the "having" clause.
Set the insert into statement resulting in an "insert into ...
SelectWithOffsetLimitCommand.Builder.limit(long limit)
Set the maximum number of rows returned by the query.
SelectWithOffsetLimitCommand.Builder.offset(long offset)
Set the offset of the results returned by the query.
SelectWithOffsetLimitCommand.Builder.orderBy(String orderByClause)
Set the content of the "order by" clause.
SelectWithOffsetLimitCommand.Builder.select(String... selectColumns)
Set the list of columns to select.
SelectWithOffsetLimitCommand.Builder.where(String whereClause)
Set the content of the "where" clause.