ClassDescriptionInterface used to mark
s that require captcha validation.This class replaces com.atlassian.seraph.util.GroupCache, and works with atlassian-user.Allows a user to lock content against editing and/or viewing by other users.This is a container forContentPermission
s linked to someContentEntityObject
.Default implementation of PermissionManager.Returns a store that uses bandana.The captcha as used by FishEye/Crucible.GateKeeper for the Confluence downloads directory.Thrown during a user or group operation where the user or group does not existActions implementing this are external user management aware actions.Manages the granting of temporary permissions to retrieve resources.APermissionDelegate
which always refuses permission.Enumeration of all possible permission types for use with the PermissionManager.PermissionDelegate<TARGET>Each type of target that can have permissions checked against it will have a delegate.Defines operations to allow registration ofPermissionDelegate
s.Provides methods to allow the PermissionManager to be more easily called from within Velocity templatesGeneralised interface for checking whether a particular action in Confluence is allowed, without any knowledge of the specific implementation of permissions as they relate to spaces, pages and so on.A criterion for whether an entity should be permitted or notClass that checks whether a user has sufficient privileges to set aSpacePermission
.A SpacePermission restricts access to different functions on a space.Space permission manager that adds a layer of security over the write operations in this class.A store for managing the space permissions that new spaces receive by default.Factory of SpacePermissionDefaultsStores.Responsible for the addition, modification and removal of space permissions.