Interface ContentNameSearchSectionSpec

@ExperimentalSpi public interface ContentNameSearchSectionSpec
Specifies how a ContentNameSearchSection is populated. It can be used by a plugin to extend the content name search functionality for CustomContentEntityObject in a much more efficient way comparing to ContentNameSearchSectionsProvider.
  • Method Details

    • getCategory

      Category getCategory()
      Content category usually one per content type.
    • isDefault

      default boolean isDefault()
      Returns true of the section is added into the system by default.
    • getFilter

      SearchQuery getFilter()
      7.20 Search query filter that accepts only desired content entities.
    • getWeight

      default int getWeight()
      Relative order of the contents section with respect to other sections.
    • getLimit

      default int getLimit()
      Limit the number of returned entities.
    • getFields

      Set<String> getFields()
      Requested fields from the search index.
    • getFieldValuesTransformer

      Function<List<Map<String,String>>,List<SearchResult>> getFieldValuesTransformer()
      Returns a function that transforms a list of field value map into the one of SearchResult. Using list as input and output arguments allows an implementation to perform an additional filter that can't be done on the search index.
    • getSearchResultTransformer

      Function<SearchResult,ContentNameMatch> getSearchResultTransformer()
      Returns a function that transforms a SearchResult into ContentNameMatch.