Package com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.webresource
package com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.webresource
ClassDescriptionTODO CONFSRVDEV-30457: Migrate com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.transformer to com.atlassian.spi.webresource.transformerConfluence's configuration for the super batch.Confluence implementation of WebResourceIntegration, for use with the static resource caching code.This interface adds Confluence specific functionality to
.Provides services related to writing Confluence html resource tags.Style of a page.A counter to create a unique version for web resourcesA resource transform that substitutes variables in css files.Default implementation of a counter stores its data in bandana by a supplied key.A stripped-down web resource integration sufficient to serve resources during setup when most of Confluence is not available.Listens for events that denote a change to the stylesheet, and ensures people start loading new CSSEventlistener to invalidate the plugins resource counter when a plugin in the super batch is modified in any way.Records the usages of various web resources when they are rendered.Holds the various resources that are recorded fromWebResourceDependenciesRecorder.recordResources(Callable)
.Delegate toRouter
to dispatch web resource request