ClassDescriptionAn event that is sent when the state of site restore process changes.Published at the beginning of an import.This event is fired when an admin resets a custom dark logo to the default.This event is fired when an admin uploads a custom dark logo to the instance.This event is fired when an admin resets a custom light logo to the default.This event is fired when an admin clicks "undo" to reset the colour scheme that was set upon uploading a light theme logo.This event is fired when an admin uploads a custom light logo to the instance.Deprecated.since 5.10.Represents a change to global permissions.Represents a user viewing the global permissions.Event announcing a change in the global configuration of Confluence.Represents an administrator viewing the global settings.This event is fired when macro metadata is changedThis event is triggered when admins click "Delete error queue" button in admin panelThis event is triggered when admins click "Resend error queue" button in admin panelThis event is triggered when admins click "Flush Mail Queue" button in admin panelEvent that indicates that max cache size for a particular cache needs to be changed.An event to indicate that a macro has been registered with an XHTML
from a plugin.An event to indicate that a plugin hosted macro has been unregistered with an XHTMLMacroManager
.Event emitted when an exception is thrown during reindexingThis event is to inform the re-indexing job has been complete on all nodesThis event must be synchronous so that the maintenance task can be created in the same transaction of the new reindex jobThis is a synchronous event fired when the reindex job starts on a node.An event that is sent when restore process failsAn event that is sent periodically with the restore process state.An event that is sent before db drop to lock some database tableAn event that is sent when the restore process finishes successfully.An event that is sent before db drop to lock some database tableThis event is fired each time "Search" is hit on the admin user management page, to search for users.Event fired when there is a change in i18n translation transform stateThis event is published when a Confluence upgrade has completed successfully.This event is published when a Confluence upgrade has started.This event is fired when user macro is added/updatedThis event is fired when user macro is removedThis event is fired when admin visits license details page.Local event triggered when ZDU state has changed to enable.