Interface ElementTransformer

All Known Implementing Classes:
StorageHtmlAnchorElementTransformer, TableStyleRemovingElementTransformer, TableStylingElementTransformer

public interface ElementTransformer
An interface implemented by an object that will handle a StartElement or EndElement and transform it in some manner.

Implementors should note that if the transform changes the name of the StartElement then it is also responsible for transforming the name of the EndElement to ensure the XmlEventReader contract is maintained.

You should also note that a ElementTransformingXmlEventReader instance making use of this ElementTransformer could well end up wrapping itself multiple times so you should write ElementTransformer's to only apply their transform if necessary.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getHandledElementNames

      Set<QName> getHandledElementNames()
      the set of QNames that this transformer will handle.
    • transform

      StartElement transform(StartElement element)
      element - the StartElement to be transformed
      a transformed version of the StartElement supplied.
    • transform

      EndElement transform(EndElement element)
      element - ther EndElement to be transformed.
      a transformed version of the EndElement supplied.