Package com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.template
package com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.template
ClassesClassDescriptionModel for Content Blueprint Id ContentId-like wrapper with everything required to specify a given BlueprintBlueprint Id resolved by Module key and Space keyModel for Blueprint specific rest data to create a content out of a blueprint template The object passed in the POSTs for draft and page creation.Model for blueprint specific data come together with ContentBlueprintStance Everything required to identify a Blueprint and its execution context.Builder classModel object for CRUD operation on template.Model class for Content Template Id Similar to ContentBlueprintId, defines a content template.Content template resolved by IdContent template resolved by full Module Key and Space KeyContent template resolved by UUIDRepresents a type of template, such as Page or Blueprint, This class is a simple wrapper around a string.