Interface ListBuilder<T>

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public interface ListBuilder<T> extends Iterable<List<T>>
A lazy builder that allows clients to retrieve individual pages of potentially long (and performance-degrading) lists of entities. If a method returns a list builder and you automatically get every possible member of the list, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the total number of elements available to return if the whole list were requested
    getPage(int offset, int maxResults)
    Gets a page of results by providing the offset of the first element in the page, and the page size.
    getRange(int startIndex, int endIndex)
    Gets a range of results by providing the indexes of the first and last elements you wish to return.

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

    forEach, iterator, spliterator
  • Method Details

    • getRange

      List<T> getRange(int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Gets a range of results by providing the indexes of the first and last elements you wish to return. This is an inclusive range. Requesting a range that falls outside the list of available elements will result in a short, or empty list.
      startIndex - the zero-based index of the first result you wish returned
      endIndex - the zero-based index of the last result you wish returned
      the list of available results in that range, or an empty list if no results are within the range
    • getPage

      List<T> getPage(int offset, int maxResults)
      Gets a page of results by providing the offset of the first element in the page, and the page size. Requesting a page that falls outside the list of available elements will result in a short, or empty list.
      offset - the zero-based index of the first result you wish returned
      maxResults - the size of the page requested
      the list of available results in that range, or an empty list if no results are within the range
    • getAvailableSize

      int getAvailableSize()
      Gets the total number of elements available to return if the whole list were requested
      the total number of list elements available