Interface BatchableWorkSource<T>

Type Parameters:
T - type of the work item
All Known Implementing Classes:
ContentWithTasksWorkSource, LatestVersionXhtmlContentWorkSource, OrderedEntityObjectBatchableWorkSource, SearchResultsBatchWorkSource, WikiMarkupContentEntityObjectMigrationWorkSource

public interface BatchableWorkSource<T>
Source of migration work that can be broken up into batches.

Implementations can contain state to manage how to compute the next batch of work.

Instances should be discarded once there is no more work left to retrieve (i.e. when hasMoreBatches() returns false)

  • Method Details

    • getBatch

      List<T> getBatch()
      a batch or subset of the total work contained in the work source
    • hasMoreBatches

      boolean hasMoreBatches()
      true if more work batches exist
    • numberOfBatches

      int numberOfBatches()
      total number of work batches available.
    • reset

      void reset(int total)
      Reset the work source ready to begin getting batches again.
    • getTotalSize

      int getTotalSize()