Interface Navigation.Builder

All Known Subinterfaces:
Navigation.ContentNav, Navigation.ContentRestrictionByOperationNav, Navigation.ExperimentalContentNav, Navigation.ExperimentalContentTemplateNav, Navigation.ExperimentalNav, Navigation.ExperimentalSynchronyDataNav, Navigation.GroupNav, Navigation.LongTaskNav, Navigation.SpaceContentNav, Navigation.SpaceNav, Navigation.UserNav, RestNavigation.RestBuilder, RestNavigation.RestBuilder
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNav, BaseNav
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Navigation.Builder
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Navigation.Builder
    Some Model classes need to provide a builder, but don't need to provide any navigation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    build an absolute URL http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/of/url
    build an absolute URL substituting the confuence configured base url and context for the base url and context supplied by the url builder
    build a relative URL without webapp context, i.e.
    build a relative URL with webapp context, i.e.
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      static final Navigation.Builder NONE
      Some Model classes need to provide a builder, but don't need to provide any navigation. This no-op builder should be safe to use everywhere that a Navigation.Builder is expected.
  • Method Details

    • buildAbsolute

      String buildAbsolute()
      build an absolute URL http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/of/url
    • buildCanonicalAbsolute

      String buildCanonicalAbsolute()
      build an absolute URL substituting the confuence configured base url and context for the base url and context supplied by the url builder
      a canonical url for this navigation path
    • buildRelative

      String buildRelative()
      build a relative URL without webapp context, i.e. /rest/of/url
    • buildRelativeWithContext

      String buildRelativeWithContext()
      build a relative URL with webapp context, i.e. /confluence/rest/of/url