Interface WebResourcesBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:
SuperBatchWebResources.SuperBatchWebResourcesBuilder, WebResourceDependencies.WebResourceDependenciesBuilder

@Internal public interface WebResourcesBuilder
An interface for building the uris and tags for web resource expansions.
  • Method Details

    • uris

      Adds, or if the resource type is already added, replaces the existing uris for the given resource type with the new uris given.
    • uris

      Replaces the existing uris map with the given map. The old map should be abandoned, and should not be used in the construcvtion of the final web resources entries
    • addCollapsedUris

      WebResourcesBuilder addCollapsedUris(ResourceType type)
      The builder should have a collapsed uri list for the given resource type.
    • tag

      Add, or if the resource type is already added, replaces the existing tag with the given tag for the given resource type.
    • tag

      Replaces the existing tags map with the given map. The old map should be abandoned, and should not be used in the construcvtion of the final web resources entries.
    • addCollapsedTag

      WebResourcesBuilder addCollapsedTag(ResourceType tagType)
      The builder should have a collapsed tag entry for the given resource type.