Interface ConfluenceIndexer

    • Method Detail

      • index

        void index​(Searchable obj)
        Indexes the object without removing any existing copies from the index
        Specified by:
        index in interface Indexer
      • unIndex

        void unIndex​(Searchable obj)
        Removes any existing copies of the object from the index
        Specified by:
        unIndex in interface Indexer
      • reIndexExcludingDependents

        void reIndexExcludingDependents​(Searchable obj)
        Updates just an object itself in the index, excluding any dependents (attachments, comments, children, etc.)
      • unIndexSpace

        void unIndexSpace​(Space space)
        Optimised unindex of all content in a space
      • reindexUsersInGroup

        void reindexUsersInGroup​(String groupName)
        Optimised reindex of all indexed information relating to the given group
        groupName - the group to reindex
      • unIndexIncludingDependents

        void unIndexIncludingDependents​(Searchable searchable)
        Remove a content object and all its dependents (attachments, comments, children, etc.) from the index
      • indexIncludingDependents

        void indexIncludingDependents​(Searchable searchable)
        Add a content object and all its dependents (attachments, comments, children, etc.) to the index
      • synchronous

        default ConfluenceIndexer synchronous()
        Return synchronous indexer that will perform index in the caller thread.