Class ViewAttachmentsBean

  • public class ViewAttachmentsBean
    extends Object
    Represents a View Attachments page for a Page or BlogPost.
    • Method Detail

      • viewAttachments

        public static ViewAttachmentsBean viewAttachments()
        Factory method to return a ViewAttachmentsBean from the current location of the web tester, by clicking on the 'Attachments' link on the page.
      • viewAttachments

        public static ViewAttachmentsBean viewAttachments​(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
      • viewAttachments

        public static ViewAttachmentsBean viewAttachments​(long pageId,
                                                          net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
      • viewAttachmentsByKeyAndTitle

        public static ViewAttachmentsBean viewAttachmentsByKeyAndTitle​(Page page,
                                                                       net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester1)
      • viewAttachments

        public static ViewAttachmentsBean viewAttachments​(Page page,
                                                          net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
      • viewAttachmentsAndHighlight

        public static ViewAttachmentsBean viewAttachmentsAndHighlight​(Page page,
                                                                      String highlight,
                                                                      net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
      • downloadAll

        public void downloadAll()
        Clicks the 'Download All' link on the view attachments page.

        This method does not check if the link is present. (The link is not present when there is only one attachment).

      • downloadAllWhenBulkDeleteIsEnabled

        public void downloadAllWhenBulkDeleteIsEnabled()
        Clicks the 'Download All' button on the view attachments page.

        This method does not check if the link is present.

      • downloadAttachment

        public void downloadAttachment​(String name)
      • edit

        public EditAttachmentsBean edit​(String attachmentFilename)
        Goes to the edit screen of the given attachment.

        This method should really return a EditAttachmentsBean, but it has not been implemented yet.

        attachmentFilename - filename of the attachment to edit
      • getEditXPath

        public String getEditXPath​(String attachmentFilename)
      • remove

        public void remove​(String attachmentFilename)
        Clicks the 'Remove' link on the view attachments page.
        attachmentFilename - filename of the attachment to remove
      • canRemove

        public boolean canRemove​(String attachmentFilename)
        Returns true if the 'Remove' link is present for the given attachment name.
      • getRemoveXPath

        public String getRemoveXPath​(String attachmentFilename)
      • removeVersion

        public void removeVersion​(String attachmentFilename,
                                  int version)
      • canRemoveVersion

        public boolean canRemoveVersion​(String attachmentFilename,
                                        int version)
        Returns true if the 'Remove' link is present for the given attachment name and version.
      • getNumberOfAttachments

        public int getNumberOfAttachments()
        the number of attachments on the page
      • countVersions

        public int countVersions​(String attachmentFilename)
        the number of attachment versions for the given file name
      • createAttachmentScopedCssSelector

        public static String createAttachmentScopedCssSelector​(String attachmentFilename)
      • createVersionCssSelector

        public static String createVersionCssSelector​(String attachmentFilename)
      • createCssSelector

        public static String createCssSelector​(String attachmentFilename,
                                               int version)
      • hasVersion

        public boolean hasVersion​(String attachmentFilename,
                                  int version)
      • getComment

        public String getComment​(String attachmentFilename)
      • getVersionComment

        public String getVersionComment​(String attachmentFilename,
                                        int version)
      • getCreator

        public String getCreator​(String attachmentFilename)
      • getVersionCreator

        public String getVersionCreator​(String attachmentFilename,
                                        int version)
      • attachFile

        public void attachFile​(String filename,
                               String content)
      • attachFile

        public void attachFile​(String filename,
                               String content,
                               String comment)
      • attachFileFromPath

        public void attachFileFromPath​(String path,
                                       String comment)
      • renameAttachment

        public void renameAttachment​(String attachmentName,
                                     String newAttachmentName)
      • hasAttachment

        public boolean hasAttachment​(String attachmentName)
      • getViewAttachmentsPageTitle

        public static String getViewAttachmentsPageTitle​(Page page)