Class MetadataProperty

  • public class MetadataProperty
    extends Object
    Describes a meta-data property that's returned from ModelMetadataProvider.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetadataProperty

        public MetadataProperty​(String propertyName,
                                Type propertyType)
    • Method Detail

      • getPropertyName

        public String getPropertyName()
        Get the name of the property.
      • getPropertyType

        public @Nullable Type getPropertyType()
        Get the java type of the property, or null if there are child properties instead. The type may be a simple type (String, Integer etc), or a complex type annotated with json serialization annotations.
      • getChildren

        public List<MetadataProperty> getChildren()
        Get the child properties, that are specified without a java type. A property that has a propertyType will not have dynamic child properties.