Class ResultTemplate

  • public class ResultTemplate
    extends Object
    Class that allows clients to specify what categories of results to get back from any content name search. A default configuration is available through DEFAULT. To produce a custom configuration, use addCategory(Category, int) .
    • Field Detail

      • DEFAULT

        public static final ResultTemplate DEFAULT
        A default category configuration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResultTemplate

        public ResultTemplate()
    • Method Detail

      • addCategory

        public void addCategory​(Category category,
                                int maxResultCount)
        Add a category.
        category - name of category
        maxResultCount - the maximum number of results for the specified category
      • hasCategory

        public boolean hasCategory​(Category category)
        Returns true if the specified category is defined, false otherwise.
        category - name of category
        true if the specified category is defined, false otherwise.
      • getMaxResultCount

        public int getMaxResultCount​(Category category)
        The maximum number of results for this category. If the specified category is not defined, then 0 is returned.
        category - name of category
        the maximum number of results for the specified category.
      • getNumberOfCategories

        public int getNumberOfCategories()
        Returns the number of categories defined in this configuration.
        the number of categories defined in this configuration.
      • getCategories

        public Set<Category> getCategories()
        Returns the names of all categories defined in this configuration.
        the names of all categories defined in this configuration.
      • getMaximumResults

        public int getMaximumResults()
        based on the categories and numbers of results specified for each, return the maximum number of results this template specifies
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object