AutodetectClassPrefixModuleFactory |
AutodetectModuleFactoryHolder |
BandanaPluginStateStore |
Stores PluginManagerState using Bandana.
BundledPluginLoaderFactory |
CompositeModuleDescriptorPredicate<T> |
ConfluenceApplication |
Required by the plugin system.
ConfluenceClusterEnvironmentProvider |
Atlassian plugins wrapper for ClusterManager
ConfluenceHomeClassLoadingPluginLoader |
ConfluenceHostContainer |
Host container that uses Spring to instantiate objects.
ConfluencePluginManager |
Cluster safe extension of DefaultPluginManager which listens for plugin events fired on other nodes
and guarantees that plugin state is consistent across nodes.
ConfluencePluginUtils |
DatabaseClassLoadingPluginLoader |
A plugin loader implementation that copies plugins from the PluginDataDao
to a working directory on the filesystem, then delegates to ScanningPluginLoader
which performs the actual class loading from this directory.
DatabasePluginScanner |
Scans the database for plugin data.
DefaultPluginInstaller |
A default implementation for a plugin repository which simply
delegates to a PluginDataDao .
DeprecatedPluginStateStore |
This Plugin State Store will override the original state
so that we could decorated it with a list of deprecated plugin (plugin which is disable by default on new version but
if user upgrade Confluence from older version then it will keep the previous state)
DirectoryScanningPluginFactory |
The 'DirectoryScanningPluginFactory' generates a directory scanning pluginLoader which provides the functionality to
load plugin jars from a custom defined path.
EmptyPluginPersistentState |
Represents plugin state that is never persisted.
EmptyPluginStateStore |
This class is used during bootstrap, and contains no configuration -- all plugins will be in their default state.
EventDispatchingPluginController |
Delegates each control operation to a PluginController then
fires an event to replicate operations across the Confluence cluster.
ExtraBundledPluginsFactory |
LegacySpringContainerAccessor |
MockTestTranslationTransform |
ModuleDescriptorCache<T extends com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleDescriptor<?>> |
NullPluginAccessor |
No-op plugin accessor that can be substituted when the plugin system is unavailable.
PluginEventLogger |
Listens for Confluence plugin events and logs them.
PluginFrameworkContextListener |
Starts the plugin framework when the application starts and shuts it down when it finishes.
PluginLoadersFactory |
Responsible for initialising all the plugin loaders Confluence needs to start the plugin system.
PluginsClassLoaderAvailableEvent |
Event fired to signal that the plugin system classloader is available for use.
PluginsClassLoaderConfigurationListener |
This application event listener will configure the provided delegation class loader to use the plugins classloader
once the PluginsClassLoaderAvailableEvent is fired.
RosterFilePluginLoaderFactory |
The 'RosterFilePluginLoaderFactory' generates a RosterFilePluginLoader which is a PluginLoader that loads
plugins according to a list in a provided roster file.
SimplePluginDirectoryProvider |
Creates the standard set of plugin directories as subdirectories of a provided parent directory.