Class WebDashboard

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WebDashboard
    extends Object
    implements Dashboard
    Confluence dashboard information retrieved from the web interface via a WebTester.
    • Method Detail

      • getDashboard

        public static WebDashboard getDashboard​(Map<String,​Object> params,
                                                net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
      • getDashboard

        public static WebDashboard getDashboard()
        Defaults to the "All" tab for the recently updated section
      • getDashboard

        public static WebDashboard getDashboard​(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester)
      • getRecentUpdate

        public RecentlyUpdatedChangeSet getRecentUpdate​(int index)
        Description copied from interface: Dashboard
        Returns the recently updated change-set at the specified index on the dashboard, or null if such an item does not exist. An index of zero indicates the first (i.e. most recent) changeset on the list.
        Specified by:
        getRecentUpdate in interface Dashboard
        index - the zero-based index of the recently updated change-set on dashboard to return.
        the recently updated change-set on the dashboard with the specified index, or null if one does not exist.
      • getRequestTime

        public Date getRequestTime()
        Description copied from interface: Dashboard
        Returns the request timestamp inserted by the server in a meta tag in the HTML header. Useful for checking times on recent updates. Returns null if the meta tag is not found.
        Specified by:
        getRequestTime in interface Dashboard
      • countUpdateItems

        public int countUpdateItems()
        Specified by:
        countUpdateItems in interface Dashboard
        the number of update items (not change sets) on the dashboard page.
      • countChangeSets

        public int countChangeSets()
        Specified by:
        countChangeSets in interface Dashboard
        the number of change sets on the dashboard page
      • getItemsWithMatchingTitle

        public int getItemsWithMatchingTitle​(String title)
        title - Title to look for
        number of recently updated items with the given title.
      • assertTabVisible

        public void assertTabVisible​(String tab)
      • assertTabNotVisible

        public void assertTabNotVisible​(String tab)
      • getSelectedTabName

        public String getSelectedTabName()