Class JournalCleaner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JournalCleaner
    extends Object
    implements com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner
    Creates index backups and removes old index journal entries.

    Takes a snapshot of the index to use as a backup, but only for clustered confluence. This can be overridden with create.index.backups system property.

    By default entries older than two days are removed, but the life time of entries can be overriden with com.atlassian.confluence.journal.timeToLiveInMillis system property.

    • Method Detail

      • runJob

        public @Nullable com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunnerResponse runJob​(com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunnerRequest request)
        Specified by:
        runJob in interface com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner