Interface IndexRecoveryService

    • Method Detail

      • isIndexRecoveryRequired

        boolean isIndexRecoveryRequired​(JournalIdentifier journalId,
                                        String indexDirName)
        Checks to see whether the index needs to be recovered.

        This will be true if the index folder does not exist, or, if the index is copied over from a live system and is invalid, or, if the journal has been purged past where the node is currently processing, Note, this will always return false if the instance is not clustered.

        journalId - the index to check whether it needs to be recovered
        indexDirName - the name of the subdirectory containing the Lucene index
      • recoverIndex

        boolean recoverIndex​(JournalIdentifier journalId,
                             String indexDirName)
        Recovers the index required by asking other nodes in the cluster for a snapshot of their index and copying it to its local home directory.

        This will overwrite the local index files if it already exists.

        journalId - the index to recover
        indexDirName - the name of the subdirectory containing the Lucene index
        true if index recovery was successful, false otherwise.
      • recoverIndexFromSharedHome

        boolean recoverIndexFromSharedHome​(JournalIdentifier journalId,
                                           String indexDirName)
        Recovers the index snapshot stored in the shared home.

        This will overwrite the local index files if it already exists.

        journalId - the index to recover
        indexDirName - the name of the subdirectory where the Lucene index will be moved to
        true if index recovery was successful, false otherwise.
      • createIndexBackup

        boolean createIndexBackup​(JournalIdentifier journalId,
                                  String indexDirName,
                                  IndexRecoverer indexRecoverer)
        Creates an index snapshot in the cluster shared home.

        This will overwrite existing snapshots of the same index in the shared home.

        journalId - the index to backup
        indexDirName - the name of the subdirectory containing the Lucene index
        indexRecoverer - the index recover module that will take the lucene index snapshot
        true if successful