Class XhtmlTimeoutException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XhtmlTimeoutException
    extends XhtmlException
    A checked exception indicating that an Xhtml Conversion has exceeded its allocated time limit.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • createForTimeout

        public static XhtmlTimeoutException createForTimeout​(io.atlassian.util.concurrent.Timeout timeout)
      • getDetailedTimeoutMessage

        public String getDetailedTimeoutMessage()
        Gives a detailed message containing both the allowed time and the time that passed before the timeout was checked. This is useful for debugging but confusing for users.
      • getDetailedTimeoutMessage

        public String getDetailedTimeoutMessage​(String operation)
        Gives a detailed message containing both the allowed time and the time that passed before the timeout was checked. This is useful for debugging but confusing for users.
        operation - the operation that timed out
      • getAllowedTimeInSeconds

        public long getAllowedTimeInSeconds()
      • getExceededTimeInMilliseconds

        public long getExceededTimeInMilliseconds()