Class User

    • Field Detail

      • username

        protected final String username
      • mapUserToUsername

        public static final<User,​String> mapUserToUsername
        since 8.6.0. No replacement.
        Creates a user object with only the userkey filled in, suitable for passing to services that accept a User object
      • isUserKnown

        public static final<User> isUserKnown
        since 8.6.0. No replacement.
        A predicate that filters out unknown users.
    • Method Detail

      • getUsername

        public String getUsername()
      • fromUsername

        public static User fromUsername​(String username)
        Creates a user object with only the username filled in, suitable for passing to services that accept a User object
      • fromUserkey

        public static User fromUserkey​(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey key)
        Creates a user object with only the userkey filled in, suitable for passing to services that accept a User object