Class LongTaskServiceImpl

    • Method Detail

      • getStatus

        public Optional<LongTaskStatus> getStatus​(LongTaskId id,
                                                  Expansion... expansions)
        Description copied from interface: LongTaskService
        Returns the status of a long-running task.
        Specified by:
        getStatus in interface LongTaskService
        id - the identifier of the task to return
        expansions - additional information about the task returned
        the long running task with the supplied id
      • getAll

        public PageResponse<LongTaskStatus> getAll​(PageRequest request,
                                                   Expansion... expansions)
        Description copied from interface: LongTaskService
        Returns the status of all tracked long-running tasks visible to the user.
        Specified by:
        getAll in interface LongTaskService
        request - defines the page of tasks to be returned
        expansions - additional information about the tasks returned
        the currently-tracked long running tasks