Interface PaginationQuery<F,​T>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PaginationQuery<F,​T>
    Enclosing type for the parameters generally required when dealing with a pagination request from the database.

    This interface is not fit for public consumption, as it addresses dealing with underlying database models, something public consumers should never ever be concerned about.

    • Method Detail

      • withPredicate

        default PaginationQuery<F,​T> withPredicate​(<F> predicate)
        Adds a Predicate used to filter the raw database type results. Predicates are additive and combined with an AND boolean operation.

        NOTE: for now, Predicates *should not* be treated as a Query DSL. These Predicates should only be used to perform filtering of database results that cannot be expressed in a database query proper.

      • createWithPredicate

        PaginationQuery<F,​T> createWithPredicate​(Predicate<F> predicate)
        Adds a Predicate used to filter the raw database type results. Predicates are additive and combined with an AND boolean operation.

        NOTE: for now, Predicates *should not* be treated as a Query DSL. These Predicates should only be used to perform filtering of database results that cannot be expressed in a database query proper.

      • withModelConverter

        PaginationQuery<F,​T> withModelConverter​(<F,​T> modelConverter)
        Specifies the model converter Function that should be applied to results. For efficiency, models are only converted once they satisfy all Predicates.
      • createWithModelConverter

        default PaginationQuery<F,​T> createWithModelConverter​(Function<F,​T> modelConverter)
        Specifies the model converter Function that should be applied to results. For efficiency, models are only converted once they satisfy all Predicates.
      • modelConverter

        default Function<F,​T> modelConverter()