Package com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.restapi.resources
Interface Summary Interface Description OptionalServiceProvider -
Class Summary Class Description AccessModeResource Resource for plugins to check the access mode set on Confluence.AdminGroupResource REST API forGroup
management actions that require elevated privileges.AdminUserResource REST API forUser
management actions that require elevated privileges.AttachmentResource CRUD operations for Attachments on Content.AttachmentResource.ConfluenceAttachmentMultipartConfig AuditResource Deprecated. since 7.5.0.BackupRestoreResource ChildContentResource REST wrapper for theChildContentService
.ContentBlueprintResource ContentBodyResource Used for converting ContentBody objects from one format to another.ContentLabelsResource REST wrapper for theContentLabelService
.ContentPropertyResource A REST resource for manipulating content properties.ContentResource REST wrapper for the ContentService.ContentRestrictionResource DefaultValues ProvidesDefaultValue
s for REST resource parameters.DescendantContentResource REST wrapper for theChildContentService
, whenDepth
is ALL.GlobalWebhooksResource GroupResource Non-admin operations for user groupsLongTaskResource REST wrapper for the LongTaskService.OptionGetters Methods for getting values fromOption
s and other Fugue wrappers.OsgiOptionalServiceProvider ResultSuppliers Contains static methods to generate Suppliers with common rest results.SearchResource API REST Resource for searching for entities in Confluence.SpacePropertyResource A REST resource for manipulating space properties.SpaceResource REST wrapper for the SpaceService.UserGroupResource UserResource Non-admin user operationsUserWatchResource