Class AdminUserResource

  • public final class AdminUserResource
    extends Object
    REST API for User management actions that require elevated privileges.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdminUserResource

        public AdminUserResource​(PersonService personService)
    • Method Detail

      • createUser

        public createUser​(UserDetailsForCreation userDetailsForCreation)
                                             throws URISyntaxException,
        Creates a new active user.

        One of the following options could be used

        1. Create a user with a specified password. The userName, fullName, email and password needs to be specified
        2. Create a user with an email notification to the user. The userName, fullName, email and notifyViaEmail (true) needs to be specified
        The response would be a JSON returning the User Key for the newly created user


        • The userName should not be null or blank
        • The userName should not contain any of these characters \ , + < > ' "
        • The userName should not contain any whitespace characters
        • The userName should not be "anonymous"
        • The userName should not contain any upper case characters
        • The fullName should not be null or blank
        • The fullName should not contain any of these characters < >
        • The fullName should not be "anonymous"
        • The email should not be null or blank
        • The email should be a valid email address
        • If notifyViaEmail is false then the password should not be null or blank
        • If notifyViaEmail is true then the password should not be specified

        userDetailsForCreation - Details of the user to be created
        Response A Response with generated UserKey for the created user.
      • disable

        public disable​(String username)
        Disable the given User identified by username. This method is idempotent i.e. if the user is already disabled then no action will be taken.
        username - The username identifying the given user.
      • enable

        public enable​(String username)
        Enable the given User identified by username. This method is idempotent i.e. if the user is already enabled then no action will be taken.
        username - The username identifying the given user.
      • delete

        public delete​(String username)
        Delete the given User identified by username. This action is processed asynchronously.
        username - The username identifying the given user.
      • changePassword

        public changePassword​(String username,
                                                        Credentials credentials)
        Change the password for the user identified by the username

        Validation rules : The new password should not be null or blank

        username - The username identifying the given user.
        credentials - New password for the user.