Class NotificationContext

  • public class NotificationContext
    extends Object
    Contains data about an email Notification that is specific to a single Email sent to a single User.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NotificationContext

        public NotificationContext()
      • NotificationContext

        public NotificationContext​(NotificationContext context,
                                   Set<javax.activation.DataSource> dataSources)
    • Method Detail

      • getMap

        public Map<String,​Object> getMap()
        Returns a map for the renderer. It aims at being rendered by the template engine, so no modification is allowed. Do not use it to modify values of the map.
        an immutable map
      • putAll

        public void putAll​(Map<? extends String,​?> map)
      • setContent

        public void setContent​(ConfluenceEntityObject entity)
        Sets the entity that the notification is being sent regarding.

        Should be set on the common NotificationContext in the NotificationData object.

      • getEvent

        public com.atlassian.event.Event getEvent()
      • setEvent

        public void setEvent​(com.atlassian.event.Event event)
      • isManageNotificationOverridden

        public boolean isManageNotificationOverridden()
      • setManageNotificationOverridden

        public void setManageNotificationOverridden​(boolean isOverridden)
      • setSpace

        public void setSpace​(Space space)
      • setRecipient

        public void setRecipient​(com.atlassian.user.User recipient)
        Sets the recipient for a notification.

        This should be only ever be called on the per-email NotificationContext instance, never on the common one inside the NotificationData object.

      • getRecipient

        public com.atlassian.user.User getRecipient()
      • setActor

        public void setActor​(com.atlassian.user.User actor)
        Sets the user that performed the action that caused the notification to be sent.

        Should be set on the common NotificationContext in the NotificationData object.

      • getActor

        public com.atlassian.user.User getActor()
      • setAction

        public void setAction​(String action)
        The type of action (e.g. create, delete, like, mention, share) that is causing the notification to be sent. This value must be represented by a string so that plugins can provide custom action types.

        Should be set on the common NotificationContext in the NotificationData object.

        action -
      • getAction

        public String getAction()
      • setI18n

        public void setI18n​(I18NBean i18NBean)
      • addTemplateImage

        public void addTemplateImage​(javax.activation.DataSource dataSource)
        Adds a datasource to the current set of datasources for 1 instance of notification.
        dataSource - the datasource for the image.
        See Also:
        if you intend to add the image to all notification.
      • getTemplateImageDataSources

        public Collection<javax.activation.DataSource> getTemplateImageDataSources()
      • addWebFragmentContext

        public void addWebFragmentContext()
        Copies the current state of this context and stores it in a sub-map.

        This is required for rendering web-panels in the Notification template that:

        a) cannot be passed the entire render context for technical reasons b) shouldn't be passed the entire render context because it leaks services

        This method should be called on the object returned by NotificationData.cloneContext() as soon as the Recipient user is added.

      • addToWebFragmentContext

        public void addToWebFragmentContext​(String key,
                                            String value)
        Adds a key/value pair to the Web-Fragment context.

        The webFragmentContext is purposely limited so that only named items like recipient and explicitly-added pairs are present in it. This is so that the context can be serialized to things like email tracking URLs. However, there's no stopping code like WebPanelFunction from adding further data to the context passed into the Soy render.

        To avoid this context pollution we hide additional explicit context inside a map *inside* the map. Yo dawg indeed.