Class ContentEntityObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentEntityObject

        protected ContentEntityObject()
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public abstract String getType()
        An easy name for the type of this content: makes it easy for things like the #contentLink macro to work out what to draw.

        This is a bit of a hack, but it saves heaps of code elsewhere, especially since we tend to get back these objects wrapped in all sorts of Hibernate CGLIB stuff.

        Specified by:
        getType in interface ContentTypeAware
        the content type
      • getIdAsString

        public String getIdAsString()
      • getDisplayTitle

        public String getDisplayTitle()
        Returns the display title. Some entities don't have titles for identification. For example, personal information objects use the user's fullname. Override this method to provide a custom title.
        Specified by:
        getDisplayTitle in interface Addressable
        the display title
      • getAttachmentUrlPath

        public String getAttachmentUrlPath​(Attachment attachment)
        Gets the path relative to Confluence's base URL to view the given attachment in the context of this content (for example, highlighted in the content's list of attachments). Generally you will want to call Attachment.getUrlPath() instead of this method: if we ever implement view pages for individual attachments, that's the method that will be changed to point to them.

        The default implementation just returns the view page for this content.

        attachment - one of this content's attachments
        the path relative to the base url to view the attachment in the context of this content.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the attachment is not attached to this content
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String title)
      • getLowerTitle

        public String getLowerTitle()
      • getDefaultBodyType

        public BodyType getDefaultBodyType()
      • getBodyContent

        public BodyContent getBodyContent()
        Gets the BodyContent object for this ContentEntityObject. Although it appears that there may be a number of BodyContent objects attached to a ContentEntityObject, only one is ever used. If there are none currently attached, a new BodyContent object is created and returned. Any values set on the returned BodyContent will not be saved unless a call is made to setBodyContent(com.atlassian.confluence.core.BodyContent). Null is never returned.

        This method should not normally be called directly unless, you need to be able to handle different body types. Use getBodyAsString() as you should normally be expecting only one type.

        the BodyContent.
        See Also:
      • getBodyContent

        public BodyContent getBodyContent​(BodyType expectedBodyType)
        Gets the BodyContent object for this ContentEntityObject or throws an UnsupportedOperationException if its body type is not the same as the supplied expectedBodyType.

        This method should not normally be called directly unless, you need to be able to handle different body types. Use getBodyAsString() and getBodyAsString() as you should normally be expecting only one type.

        expectedBodyType - that can be handled by the caller.
        the BodyContent.
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the BodyType of the content is not the expectedBodyType.
        See Also:
      • setBodyContent

        public void setBodyContent​(BodyContent bodyContent)
        Sets the BodyContent object for this ContentEntityObject.

        This method should not normally be called directly unless, you need to be able to handle different body types. Use setBodyAsString(java.lang.String) as you should normally be expecting only one type.

        bodyContent - to be set. If the supplied bodyContent or its body are null, the list of body contents are cleared.
      • getBodyAsString

        public String getBodyAsString()
        Convenience method that returns the String representation of the content.
        the content.
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the BodyType of the content is not the normal type (by default BodyType#XHTML) used by this ContentEntityObject.
      • setBodyAsString

        public void setBodyAsString​(String content)
        Convenience method that sets the content of this ContentEntityObject.
        content - the String representation of the content.
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the BodyType of the content is not the normal type (by default BodyType#XHTML) used by this ContentEntityObject.
      • setBodyContents

        public void setBodyContents​(List<BodyContent> bodyContents)
      • getOutgoingLinks

        public List<OutgoingLink> getOutgoingLinks()
        An outgoing link is a link on this page to another confluence page.
        It could also link to a website URL
        These links are contained in the page content
        They are refreshed each time the page is updated (LinkManager.updateOutgoingLinks())
        List of OutgoingLinks
      • setOutgoingLinks

        public void setOutgoingLinks​(List<OutgoingLink> outgoingLinks)
      • addOutgoingLink

        public void addOutgoingLink​(OutgoingLink link)
      • removeOutgoingLink

        public void removeOutgoingLink​(OutgoingLink link)
      • setOriginalVersion

        public void setOriginalVersion​(Versioned originalVersion)
        Description copied from interface: Versioned
        Set the current version of this object. After this method is called, this object will become an historical version of the object passed in.
        Specified by:
        setOriginalVersion in interface Versioned
        setOriginalVersion in class AbstractVersionedEntityObject
        originalVersion - the current version of this object.
      • convertToHistoricalVersion

        public void convertToHistoricalVersion()
        Description copied from interface: Versioned
        Remove all data from the object that does not need to be saved by historical versions. For versioned objects that are persisted, this includes removing associations with other persisted objects that may otherwise cause us to break the expected arity of the database relations.

        When using Hibernate to persist versioned objects, take special care to null any field that might contain a Hibernate-persisted collection, as Hibernate does not allow two different persistent objects to refer to the same persisted collection at the same time.

        Specified by:
        convertToHistoricalVersion in interface Versioned
        convertToHistoricalVersion in class AbstractVersionedEntityObject
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        equals in class com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject
      • getNameForComparison

        public abstract String getNameForComparison()
        Subclasses should implement this method, giving a String back so that the content can be alphabetically sorted in a mixed-type list of content-entities.
      • compareTo

        public final int compareTo​(ContentEntityObject otherEntity)
        Content entities are naturally ordered alphabetically by "comparison name", which depends on the entity (it's the title for pages, the parent page title for comments, etc.).

        If the comparison names are identical, we fall back on creation dates. This ensures, for example, that comments are always listed after the pages they are contained in, and in posting order.

        Note also: comparison does NOT agree with equals(). This makes using content entities within sets a little dangerous, but the chances of two things with the exact same name being created on exactly the same millisecond is probably pretty low.

        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<ContentEntityObject>
      • getSearchableDependants

        public Collection<Searchable> getSearchableDependants()
        Description copied from interface: Searchable
        When we un-index something (say, a page), we also need to un-index everything contained within that page (comments, attachments), because presumably they're all about to go away.
        Specified by:
        getSearchableDependants in interface Searchable
      • toPageContext

        public final PageContext toPageContext()
        When the content is rendered, what context is it being rendered in?
      • isIndexable

        public boolean isIndexable()
        Content entity objects that are historical versions should not be indexed.
        Specified by:
        isIndexable in interface Searchable
      • getContentPermission

        public ContentPermission getContentPermission​(String permissionType)
        since 2.6 - use getContentPermissionSet
        Gives back the first content permission of a specific type. Returns only the permission if it is set on this object and not inherited. Returns null if no permission can't be found.

        Synchronized, as otherwise it was creating timing issues during the multi-threaded re-indexing.

      • sharedAccessAllowed

        public boolean sharedAccessAllowed​(String shareId)
        since 5.10
        Checks if this draft can be accessed by users other than the creator (shared access)

        IMPORTANT NOTE: if shared access is disallowed it prevails over permissions (only creator has access), BUT if it is allowed normal permissions still need to be checked

        Drafts for existing objects are considered automatically shared according to the permissions set, but drafts for new objects are considered private, so if a user if trying to access one of them it should be verified that is doing so with the proper share id in addition to permissions.

        shareId - Optional. Used to check for access if needed
        true if this draft can be accessed given a share id, false otherwise
        See Also:
        TODO: delete this method after 6.0
      • getContentStatusObject

        public ContentStatus getContentStatusObject()
        Get the api layer enum for content status, distinguishing CURRENT/HISTORICAL/DRAFT/TRASHED.

        Important: this has different semantics from the hibernate field getContentStatus(), because it takes into account historical status, and uses different strings for some values.

        the API ContentStatus for this content, distinguishing CURRENT/HISTORICAL/DRAFT/TRASHED
        See Also:
        for the hibernate field value, different semantics
      • isDeleted

        public boolean isDeleted()
      • isDraft

        public boolean isDraft()
      • sharedAccessAllowed

        public boolean sharedAccessAllowed​(com.atlassian.user.User user)
        Checks if this draft can be accessed by users other than the creator (shared access)

        IMPORTANT NOTE: if shared access is disallowed it prevails over permissions (only creator has access), BUT if it is allowed normal permissions still need to be checked

        Drafts for existing objects are considered automatically shared according to the permissions set, but drafts that have never been published are considered private even without permissions set, so if a user if trying to access one of them it should be verified that is doing so with the proper share id in addition to permissions.

        user - User to check
        true if this draft can be accessed given a share id, false otherwise
        See Also:
        SHARE_ID, SharedAccessInterceptor, AbstractCreateAndEditPageAction.hasDraftPermission()
      • setShareId

        public void setShareId​(String shareId)
        See Also:
      • getSynchronyRevision

        public String getSynchronyRevision()
        See Also:
      • setSynchronyRevision

        public void setSynchronyRevision​(String synchronyRevision)
        See Also:
      • getTrashDate

        public Optional<Instant> getTrashDate()
        Get trash date if this CEO has been added to the trash since Confluence 7.14. For generic cases, use TrashManagerInternal#findTrashDate
        when this content entity was added to the trash or Optional.empty() if it was trashed before 7.14
      • setSynchronyRevisionSource

        public void setSynchronyRevisionSource​(String synchronyRevisionSource)
        See Also:
      • isUnpublished

        public boolean isUnpublished()
      • wasCreatedBy

        public boolean wasCreatedBy​(com.atlassian.user.User user)
      • trash

        public void trash()
        places content in trash can
      • trash

        protected void trash​(long trashTimestamp)
      • trashDependents

        protected void trashDependents()
      • restore

        public void restore()
        restores content from the trash
      • restoreDependents

        protected void restoreDependents()
      • getAttachments

        public List<Attachment> getAttachments()

        Don't use it directly, use AttachmentManager.getAttachments(page) instead.

        This also includes trashed items.

      • getLatestVersionsOfAttachments

        public List<Attachment> getLatestVersionsOfAttachments()
        Since 6.13. use AttachmentManager.getLatestVersionsOfAttachments(page) instead.
      • setAttachments

        public void setAttachments​(List<Attachment> attachments)
      • addAttachment

        public void addAttachment​(Attachment attachment)
      • removeAttachment

        public void removeAttachment​(Attachment attachment)
      • getBodyAsStringWithoutMarkup

        public String getBodyAsStringWithoutMarkup()
      • getExcerpt

        public String getExcerpt()
      • getAttachmentsUrlPath

        public String getAttachmentsUrlPath()
      • getAttachmentNamed

        public Attachment getAttachmentNamed​(String fileName)
      • getVersionComment

        public String getVersionComment()
      • setVersionComment

        public void setVersionComment​(String versionComment)
      • isVersionCommentAvailable

        public boolean isVersionCommentAvailable()
      • getRenderedVersionComment

        public String getRenderedVersionComment()
      • getContentPermissionSet

        public ContentPermissionSet getContentPermissionSet​(String type)
        Note, this method does not return ContentPermissions inherited from the Content's ancestry.
        a set containing ContentPermissions of this type, or null if there are no content permissions explicitly set on this ContentEntityObject for the type.
      • hasPermissions

        public boolean hasPermissions​(String type)
        true if this content entity object contains any ContentPermissions of the type specified
      • hasContentPermissions

        public boolean hasContentPermissions()
      • setComments

        public void setComments​(List<Comment> comments)
      • addComment

        public void addComment​(Comment comment)
      • removeComment

        public void removeComment​(Comment comment)
      • getCustomContent

        public List<CustomContentEntityObject> getCustomContent()
        all custom content that is a child of this CEO.
      • getEntity

        public ContentEntityObject getEntity()
        Description copied from interface: Content
        Gets the ContentEntityObject that backs this piece of content.
        Specified by:
        getEntity in interface Content
        the persistent object behind this content
      • ensureAttachmentBelongsToContent

        protected void ensureAttachmentBelongsToContent​(Attachment attachment)
      • getContentId

        public ContentId getContentId()
        Returns the ContentId for this entity object, if it implements ContentConvertible.

        Subclasses implementing ContentConvertible must override this method.

        the ContentId representation of this object's id
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the instance doesn't implement ContentConvertible
      • getSelector

        public ContentSelector getSelector()
        the ContentSelector for this entity, which will always include the id of the latest version, and the version number for this version of the entity.
      • getProperties

        public ContentProperties getProperties()
        the content properties associated with this entity
      • getContainerContent

        protected @Nullable ContentEntityObject getContainerContent()
        Implementing classes wanting to be Contained in another CEO should implement the Contained interface and delegate to this method
        the CEO that contains this one
      • setContainerContent

        protected void setContainerContent​(@Nullable ContentEntityObject container)
      • replaceContentProperties

        protected void replaceContentProperties​(ContentProperties propertiesToClone)
        Clones the supplied properties and sets these as the properties of the current ContentEntityObject.

        This method should be used instead of directly modifying the contentProperties field, to avoid swapping collections that have Hibernate associations. Doing so would result in the following error: You may not dereference a collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan".

      • getOriginalVersionId

        public Long getOriginalVersionId()
      • setOriginalVersionId

        protected void setOriginalVersionId​(@Nullable Long originalVersionId)
        For Hibernate
      • getLatestVersionId

        public long getLatestVersionId()