Class SuperBatchWebResources

  • @ExperimentalApi
    public class SuperBatchWebResources
    extends Object
    Represents the set of superbatch web resources required for rendering a FormattedBody. You may need to combine these resources with the other resources in WebResourceDependencies to completely render a piece of content. The uri field is a map of the ResourceType to a list of URI of that resource. The tags is a map of the ResourceType to a html string of the tags of those resources as it would have been rendered in the browser when viewing the content. Standard expansions mechanisms apply to this object when requested through REST. For example, to get all of the css tags, use tags.css as the expansion (prepending any expansions required to reach this object, such as webresource.superbatch for the FormattedBody object). {@see com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.webresource.WebResourceDependencies}