Interface Breadcrumb

    • Method Detail

      • getTarget

        String getTarget()
        Gets the relative url for the target which a breadcrumb points to.
        the relative url for the breadcrumb, or null if the breadcrumb has no link
      • getTitle

        String getTitle()
        Gets the i18n key for the title of the breadcrumb. See getDisplayTitle() for titles that don't need to be translated.
        the i18n key for the breadcrumb title
      • getDisplayTitle

        String getDisplayTitle()
        Gets the display title of the breadcrumb for user display.
        display title of the breadcrumb or null if not defined
      • getTooltip

        String getTooltip()
        Gets the breadcrumb's tooltip.
        the tooltip to display for the breadcrumb
      • getBreadcrumbsTrail

        List<Breadcrumb> getBreadcrumbsTrail()
        Gets all the breadcrumbs trail (including itself) required for display. It must be a list of Breadcrumbs with this object being the last item.
        a List of breadcrumbs for display
      • getCssClass

        String getCssClass()
        CSS class to apply to the breadcrumb
        a String or null
      • setCssClass

        void setCssClass​(String css)
        Override the default CSS class of the breadcrumb
        css - the default string to write in the class attribute
      • setFilterTrailingBreadcrumb

        void setFilterTrailingBreadcrumb​(boolean filterTrailingBreadcrumb)
        Override the breadcrumb's default value for whether or not the last breadcrumb in the trail should be filtered out.
        filterTrailingBreadcrumb - true if the last breadcrumb in the trail should be filtered out.
      • filterTrailingBreadcrumb

        boolean filterTrailingBreadcrumb()
        Whether or not the last breadcrumb in the breadcrumbs trail should be filtered out. For example, we don't want to duplicate the page title in the breadcrumbs trail when it's already displayed on the page.