Class NopActivityMonitor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NopActivityMonitor
    extends Object
    implements ActivityMonitor
    Provides an implementation of the ActivityMonitor that does nothing. Useful if you are in situations (legacy code) that does not have access to the real service.
    • Method Detail

      • registerStart

        public @NonNull Activity registerStart​(String userId,
                                               String type,
                                               String summary)
        Description copied from interface: ActivityMonitor
        Starts tracking an activity using the current thread. The caller must call Activity.close() on the returned Activity after the activity has completed.

        The typical usage is:

         final Activity activity = activityMonitor.registerStart(userId, type, summary);
         try {
             // code to execute
         finally {

        Under Java 7, the following is also possible:

         try (Activity activity = activityMonitor.registerStart(userId, type, summary)) {
             // code to execute
        Specified by:
        registerStart in interface ActivityMonitor
        userId - the identifier of the user associated with the activity.
        type - the type of activity being performed. E.g. web-request
        summary - a textual summary of the activity. E.g. /some/url.action