class |
AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask |
An abstract upgrade task for when you just want to run a bunch of constraint creation statements from a properties
class |
AbstractPageTemplateMigrationUpgradeTask |
Base class for upgrade tasks that want to migrate page templates from one format to another.
class |
AbstractUserMappingUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to ensure that for all the user names in Confluence a ConfluenceUser object
class |
AddMissingOsPropertyIndexUpgradeTask |
Add an OS_PROPERTYENTRY index missed in instances freshly installed with Confluence 5.6 - 5.8
See more details in
class |
AddMissingUnmanagedUniqueConstraintsUpgradeTask |
Because of CONFSERVER-38706, some unique constraints which are not managed by Hibernate have been missing
for instances freshly installed with Confluence 5.6 - 5.8.
class |
AuditLoggingSchemaUpgradeTask |
Marks the three audit logging tables listed in AuditRecord.hbm.xml
class |
BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask |
Alter the Bandana table to make sure the Bandana context and keys have not null and unique constraints on them.
class |
BandanaXStreamValueUpgradeTask |
Migrates Bandana values stored with XStream 1.1.1 format to XStream 1.4.1 based format.
class |
CheckAndFixSQLServerCatalogNameInJDBCConnectionUrlUpgradeTask |
This task will check, and fix the catalog name being used in the JDBC connection url
used in confluence.cfg.xml to be correctly cased.
class |
CorrectCsvAttachmentMimeTypeUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task is to set the mime type for csv files to "text/csv".
class |
DatabaseValidationQueryMigrationUpgradeTask |
This task implements the changes in CONFSRVDEV-17301.
class |
DeleteTemporaryAttachmentUploadsUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task removes all attachment-*.tmp files from java temp directory.
class |
DenormalisedContentPermissionsTriggersUpgradeTask |
Re-creates all required triggers and functions for denormalised permissions.
class |
DenormalisedContentPermissionsUpgradeTask |
Creates all required triggers, functions and indexes for denormalised content permissions.
class |
DenormalisedContentStatusUpgradeTask |
Removes all records and populates denormalised_content table again if service was enabled to fix problem with content status
class |
DenormalisedPermissionsTriggersUpgradeTask |
Re-creates all required triggers and functions for denormalised permissions.
class |
DenormalisedSpacePermissionsUpgradeTask |
Creates all required triggers, functions and indexes for denormalised space permissions.
class |
DisableBackupJobUpgradeTask |
class |
DropAndRecreateSynchronyEventsIndexUpgradeTask |
Drop the old events table indexes, and recreate using the correct column ordering.
class |
DropAndUpdateContentIndexesUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task is to fix index rebuilding performance issues mainly caused by some low cardinality indexes.
class |
DropTrackBackAndReferrerTablesUpgradeTask |
Table TRACKBACKLINKS and table EXTRNLNKS are not used any more.
class |
EmbeddedCrowdAddGroupExternalIdUpgradeTask |
Adds hibernate mapping for externalId property of InternalGroup or rather logs
that the crowd schema got updated, because Hibernate should take care of updating things for us
class |
EmbeddedCrowdSchemaUpgradeTask |
Adds required multi-column unique constraints to the Crowd database tables
class |
FixWrongSpaceLinksUpgradeTask |
Fixes invalid space links in drafts
Complexity is O(log(amount of documents) + amount of broken documents)
We expect that there will be few broken documents (or zero)
class |
Hibernate5ConstraintNamesPostSchemaUpgradeTask |
Upgrade the database schema unique constraints in the hibernate 5 naming style.
class |
Hibernate5ConstraintNamesPreSchemaUpgradeTask |
Drop existing hibernate 2 constraints to allow SchemaUpdate to re-create them in the hibernate 5 naming style.
class |
MigrateScheduledJobCacheUpgradeTask |
Migrates Bandana values stored in the ScheduledJobConfiguration context
Specifically, it changes the key from the legacy "QUARTZGRP#JOBID" format to "JOBID"
As Quartz jobs are unsupported in 8.0, the job group property no longer exists.
class |
MigrateTrashDateUpgradeTask |
Set trash date for pre-7.14 items in the trash
class |
NullModificationDateDraftUpgradeTask |
As we update the logic of `removeStaleSharedDrafts`, we should call it in our upgrading task to make sure
invalid data is cleaned up.
class |
RemoveESIndexJournalVerifierUpgradeTask |
class |
RemovePluginLicenseStoragePluginUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to remove the UPM Plugin License Storage Plugin from existing Confluence instances.
class |
RenameTempDirPropertyUpgradeTask |
After upgrading WebWork to Struts we need to update 'confluence.cfg.xml' by
renaming property 'webwork.multipart.saveDir' -> 'struts.multipart.saveDir'.
class |
ReplaceC3p0ConnectionPoolWithHikariCPUpgradeTask |
This task implements the changes in CONFSRVDEV-20791.
class |
ServerADGSUpgradeTask |
Migrating old color scheme for spaces and global
class |
SplitIndexUpgradeTask |
class |
SynchronyBtfOffUpgradeTask |
See for details.
class |
SynchronyEvictionEventsPostSchemaUpgradeTask |
Create compound indexes for Synchrony tables.
class |
SynchronyEvictionEventsPreSchemaUpgradeTask |
We drop synchrony tables and then recreate them from scratch instead of truncating because of the Hibernate bug
that can't alter existing quoted tables.
class |
SynchronyEvictionPropertiesCleanupUpgradeTask |
Since we're removing all synchrony data, we also need to delete content properties which reference this data.
class |
SynchronyEvictionSnapshotPreSchemaUpgradeTask |
We drop synchrony tables and then recreate them from scratch instead of truncating because of the Hibernate bug
that can't alter existing quoted tables.
class |
SynchronyEvictionSnapshotsPostSchemaUpgradeTask |
Create compound indexes for Synchrony tables.
class |
SynchronyPidFileRemovalUpgradeTask |
Deletes file as it's not used by Confluence anymore.
class |
UpdateSpacePermissionsIndexUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task is to fix an index defined on spacepermissions table as hibernate schema update tool
is not able to update the definition of the multi-column index.
class |
WikiToXhtmlMigrationUpgradeTask |
Convert all wiki formatted content to XHTML content as part of the upgrade.