Class NullModificationDateDraftUpgradeTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    BackupSupport, DatabaseUpgradeTask, UpgradeTask, UpgradeTaskInfo, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware

    public class NullModificationDateDraftUpgradeTask
    extends AbstractUpgradeTask
    implements DatabaseUpgradeTask
    As we update the logic of `removeStaleSharedDrafts`, we should call it in our upgrading task to make sure invalid data is cleaned up. This upgrading task does not being register to upgrading task start up but only allow to user to run it directly via ForceUpgradeAction
    • Constructor Detail

      • NullModificationDateDraftUpgradeTask

        public NullModificationDateDraftUpgradeTask​(PageManager pageManager)
    • Method Detail

      • getTotalStaleDraftRemoved

        public int getTotalStaleDraftRemoved()
      • runOnSpaceImport

        public boolean runOnSpaceImport()
        Description copied from interface: BackupSupport
        Returns true if an older Space can't be imported in a new instance without running this task. For example:
        • A task updating macro names in the BodyContent table would be blocking.
        • Tasks which updates data related to the space would be blocking.
        • A task upgrading the user table wouldn't be blocking.
        • Adding a mandatory column on space-related content breaks space import

        Note that tasks don't run on space import yet, so we just reject the import in this case.

        Specified by:
        runOnSpaceImport in interface BackupSupport
      • breaksBackwardCompatibility

        public boolean breaksBackwardCompatibility()
        Description copied from interface: BackupSupport
        Returns true if a new export can't be imported in an older instance.

        Breaking compatibility means a snapshot of the new version will not work at all with the previous version. For example:

        • A destructive operation (Some data is replaced by another) breaks backwards compatibility
        • Adding a optional column does NOT break backwards compatibility
        • Data is copied to another column doesn't breaks backwards compatibility
        • A build number incrementation doesn't breaks backwards compatibility
        The best way to test is whether a newer export can be imported (with fully working features) in an older instance.
        Specified by:
        breaksBackwardCompatibility in interface BackupSupport