Class ConcurrentOperationMap<K,​T>

  • @ThreadSafe
    public class ConcurrentOperationMap<K,​T>
    extends Object
    since 5.9 use Java 8 compatible version of atlassian-util-concurrent instead
    This is conceptual copy&paste of com.atlassian.util.concurrent.ConcurrentOperationMap.

    The reason for new version is verbosity of Callable in client code and inability to pass supplier.

    This class will be migrated into atlassian-concurrent-util once its java8 branch is released.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConcurrentOperationMap

        public ConcurrentOperationMap()
    • Method Detail

      • computeIfAbsent

        public T computeIfAbsent​(K key,
                                 Supplier<T> supplier)