AttachmentService |
Provides methods for creating, reading, updating and deleting Confluence Attachment Content objects.
AttachmentService.AttachmentFinder |
A finder for locating attachments.
AttachmentService.Validator |
Provides methods for validating the actions on the AttachmentService
ChildContentService |
Interacts with Content children, providing methods to both get collections of children for various
ContentType s at various depths.
ChildContentService.ChildContentFinder |
A finder interface to encapsulate finding content under a particular parent
ContentBlueprintService |
Publishes the draft of Content created from a ContentBlueprint.
ContentBodyConversionService |
ContentDraftService |
Content draft service for creating and manipulating drafts
ContentDraftService.DraftValidator |
Validate the operations for a piece of content
ContentLabelService |
API Service for interacting with labels on Content
ContentLabelService.Validator |
Provides methods for validating actions on the ContentLabelService
ContentMacroService |
Provides methods for interacting with instances of macros on Content.
ContentMacroService.MacroInstanceFinder |
A finder for locating instances of macros on content
ContentPropertyService |
ContentPropertyService.ContentPropertyFetcher |
ContentPropertyService.ContentPropertyFinder |
ContentPropertyService.ParameterContentPropertyFinder |
ContentPropertyService.SingleContentPropertyFetcher |
ContentPropertyService.Validator |
Provides methods for validating the create, update and delete methods.
ContentService |
Provides methods for creating, reading, updating and deleting Confluence Content objects such as
Pages, BlogPosts and Comments.
ContentService.ContentFetcher |
A content fetcher that also allows fetching many, this exists as a separate interface
to allow the type system to only offer fetchMany methods when appropriate.
ContentService.ContentFinder |
A finder for locating content
ContentService.ParameterContentFinder |
A content finder allowing various parameters to be set to restrict the fetched content.
ContentService.SingleContentFetcher |
ContentService.Validator |
Provides methods for validating the create, update and delete methods.
ContentTrashService |
Controls trashing, restoring and purging Content from the instance.
ContentTrashService.Validator |
Provides methods for validating the trash, restore and purge methods.
ContentVersionService |
ContentVersionService supports find, restore and delete operations on versions of content.
ContentVersionService.ParameterVersionFinder |
Finder interface that allows to fetchMany(PageRequest) operation
ContentVersionService.Validator |
Validator provide validation on operations of this service.
ContentVersionService.VersionFinder |
Finder interface that allows to fetchOne() to find A versioned content.
SpacePropertyService |
SpacePropertyService.SpacePropertyFinder |
SpacePropertyService.Validator |
Provides methods for validating the create, update and delete methods.
SpaceService |
Provides CRUD operations on Spaces.
SpaceService.SingleSpaceFetcher |
SpaceService.SpaceContentFinder |
A finder interface to encapsulate finding content in a particular space
SpaceService.SpaceFinder |
A finder for locating spaces.
SpaceService.Validator |
Provides methods for validating the create, update and delete methods.