Class Expansions

  • @ExperimentalApi
    public class Expansions
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Expansions

        public Expansions​(Expansion... expansions)
    • Method Detail

      • canExpand

        public boolean canExpand​(String propertyName)
      • getSubExpansions

        public Expansions getSubExpansions​(String propertyName)
      • prepend

        public Expansions prepend​(String propertyName)
        Create a new Expansions that prepends the propertyName to the path of all expansions represented in this Expansions object.

        The new set of expansions will answer true to canExpand(propertyName) and getSubExpansions(propertyName) will return the original set of expansions.

        propertyName - - the propertyName to prepend to the set of expansions
        a new set of expansions with the propertyName at the root of the expansions.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
      • checkRecursiveExpansion

        public void checkRecursiveExpansion​(String expansion)
        Checks to see if the passed in expansion string is expanded again somewhere in the expansions map. This check is used to prevent recursive expansions.
        expansion -
      • encode

        public static String encode​(String expand)
        Encode expand string to a format that conforms DefaultExpandParameter.ExpandKey Replace colon to __ and everything except colon, underscore and a-zA-Z0-9 to _ for expand key Remove everything except 0-9, :, -, | for indexes
        expand - single expand string that needs to encode
        encoded expand string
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object