Class | Description |
AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask |
An abstract upgrade task for when you just want to run a bunch of constraint creation statements from a properties
AbstractIndexContentUpgradeTask | |
AbstractPageTemplateMigrationUpgradeTask |
Base class for upgrade tasks that want to migrate page templates from one format to another.
AbstractUserMappingUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to ensure that for all the user names in Confluence a ConfluenceUser object
AddHibernateVersionColumnUpgradeTask |
Create the new HibernateVersion column (CONF-32286)
AddMissingOsPropertyIndexUpgradeTask |
Add an OS_PROPERTYENTRY index missed in instances freshly installed with Confluence 5.6 - 5.8
See more details in
AddMissingUnmanagedUniqueConstraintsUpgradeTask |
Because of CONFSERVER-38706, some unique constraints which are not managed by Hibernate have been missing
for instances freshly installed with Confluence 5.6 - 5.8.
AddSpacePermissionSubjectColumnUpgradeTask |
Add the 'subject' column to the SpacePermission table.
AddSpaceStatusColumnUpgradeTask |
Populate the space status column.
AddUniqueAttachmentIdConstraintToAttachmentDataUpgradeTask |
This task adds a unique constraint to the AttachmentId column on the AttachmentData table.
AttachmentLabellingUpgradeTask | |
AttachmentRemoveFileStoreIDsUpgradeTask |
Remove all FileStore IDs populated by FileStore mode 2.
AuditLoggingSchemaUpgradeTask |
Marks the three audit logging tables listed in AuditRecord.hbm.xml
BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintCleaner |
Cleans up the bandana table so that unique and not null constraints can be applied to the context and key columns.
BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask |
Alter the Bandana table to make sure the Bandana context and keys have not null and unique constraints on them.
ChangeSpaceDescriptionsBodyTypeTask | |
ChangeSpaceDescriptionsBodyTypeUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task has two responsibilities:
(1) update all SpaceDescriptions that have a BodyContent with type BodyType.XHTML back to BodyType.WIKI. (2) resolve all entity references introduced as a result of erroneously marking SpaceDescription's as XHTML to begin with. |
CheckAndFixSQLServerCatalogNameInJDBCConnectionUrlUpgradeTask |
This task will check, and fix the catalog name being used in the JDBC connection url
used in confluence.cfg.xml to be correctly cased.
ConditionallyEnableMailArchivePluginUpgradeTask |
The mail archive feature is now packaged as a plugin and disabled by default.
ContainedCustomContentEntityObjectUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task tracks the schema change that makes
CustomContentEntityObject s use the same PAGEID column as comments
Comment s, for the same reason: so custom content can be contained by a content object. |
ContentIndexUpgradeTask |
Add a multi-column index to content table that speeds up many common queries.
ContentParentTypeFixingUpgradeTask |
When writing StorageToAoMigrationUpgradeTask in the Inline Tasks plugin, we discovered that CAC had some trashed
pages whose parent was a blog post.
ContentPermissionConstraintsUpgradeTask |
Adds required multi-column unique constraints to the content permission tables.
ContentPermissionUserDeduplicationUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task finds and deletes any redundant duplicate identifier values in the configured list of tables and
ContentTypeIndexUpgradeTask |
Adds the c_contenttype_idx index for contenttype column in the content table.
ConvertToRelativeLinksTask | |
ConvertToRelativeLinksUpgradeTask |
Converts any absolute links in storage format to relative links.
CorrectCsvAttachmentMimeTypeUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task is to set the mime type for csv files to "text/csv".
CorrectPNGImageAttachmentMimeTypeUpgradeTask |
CONF-26848 - This task will update the mime type for png images that incorrectly had it set to 'img/png'
If you run this task manually, you should flush the Attachments cache
CrowdUsersUserMappingUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to ensure that for all the users in Confluence a ConfluenceUser object exist.
DataAccessUtils |
Provides access to several underlying Hibernate and JDBC data access objects, which are commonly
used in database-related upgrade tasks.
DefaultSpaceContentPageLayoutsUpgradeTask |
Updates the default space content that will be used for new spaces to use page layouts.
DefaultSpaceContentToPageTemplateUpgradeTask | |
DeferredMacroExecutionUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task deletes backward-incompatible changes of the previous BigPipe implementation
DeleteDidYouMeanIndexFolderUpgradeTask | |
DeleteTemporaryAttachmentUploadsUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task removes all
attachment-*.tmp files from java temp directory. |
DisableBackupJobUpgradeTask |
DisableConfluenceInvitePluginUpgradeTask |
Disables the Confluence Invite Plugin - which used to be bundled as part of the Confluence Fireball release,
but may have also been installed by customers in a behind the fireball instance.
DropAndRecreateSynchronyEventsIndexUpgradeTask |
Drop the old events table indexes, and recreate using the correct column ordering.
DropAndUpdateContentIndexesUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task is to fix index rebuilding performance issues mainly caused by some low cardinality indexes.
DropContentLockTableUpgradeTask |
The CONTENTLOCK table was finally removed in Confluence 4.2, and needs to be dropped lest its hanging foreign
key constraint cause issues.
DropSpaceGroupTablesUpgradeTask |
used any more.
DropTrackBackAndReferrerTablesUpgradeTask |
Table TRACKBACKLINKS and table EXTRNLNKS are not used any more.
EhCacheConfigMigrationUpgradeTask |
An upgrade task which migrates EhCache config.
EmbeddedCrowdAddMissingConstraintsClearDataUpgradeTask |
This task will remove duplicates that potentially can prevent creating necessary constraints in cwd_membership table.
EmbeddedCrowdAddMissingConstraintsUpgradeTask |
Adds required multi-column unique constraints to the Crowd database tables.
EmbeddedCrowdAttributeMappingUpgradeTask |
Adds hibernate mappings for the attributes properties of the
InternalUser and
InternalGroup . |
EmbeddedCrowdMembershipAggregationUpgradeTask |
Crowd 2.8 brings a choice between 2 membership aggregation semantics: aggregating and non-aggregating.
EmbeddedCrowdPropertySetFactoryMigrationUpgradeTask |
Converts user preferences and other user properties (e.g.
EmbeddedCrowdSchemaUpgradeTask |
Adds required multi-column unique constraints to the Crowd database tables
FixWrongSpaceLinksUpgradeTask |
Fixes invalid space links in drafts
Complexity is O(log(amount of documents) + amount of broken documents)
We expect that there will be few broken documents (or zero)
GenericContentPropertiesUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task tracks the schema change that moves
from CustomContentEntityObject to the generic
ContentEntityObject . |
Hibernate5ConstraintNamesPostSchemaUpgradeTask |
Upgrade the database schema unique constraints in the hibernate 5 naming style.
Hibernate5ConstraintNamesPreSchemaUpgradeTask |
Drop existing hibernate 2 constraints to allow SchemaUpdate to re-create them in the hibernate 5 naming style.
IndexDraftsUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task is meant to index all the draft contents which were not indexable in prior versions, it will
then allow users to access their existing drafts directly through the dashboard.
InitialiseIndexJournalStateUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task migrates index task queue state to journal state.
InstallationDateUpgradeTask |
Persists installation date of the Confluence instance.
JiraIssueMacroServerParamsUpgradeTask |
CONF-25329: This upgrade task adds additional Jira Issue macro params that allow us to resolve a renamed application link.
LikesDanglingFKCleanupUpgradeTask |
Previously likes on comments were not deleted when the parent page was removed.
LikesSqlConstraintsUpgradeTask | |
LoginInfoDuplicateEntryRemovalUpgradeTask |
Goes through the LoginInfo database table and looks for multiple rows corresponding to the same user, removing
duplicates where it finds them.
LowerCaseUsernameReferencesUpgradeTask |
Updates username references to contain lower-cased usernames.
MailConvertToCustomContentUpgradeTask | |
MailServerTimeoutUpgradeTask |
Updates existing SMTP mail server configurations with an appropriate and short timeout (both socket and connection timeouts).
MailServerUpgradeTask | |
MigrateDocThemeSettingsToCustomPageSettings |
This upgrade tasks migrates over Documentation theme settings to the default theme's Custom Page Settings.
MigrateIndexTaskQueueToJournalUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task migrates recent entries from index queue to journal
MigrateMailArchiveConfigurationUpgradeTask | |
MigrateOndemandDocThemeCustomizations | |
MigrateOndemandDocThemeCustomizations.SidebarToDocthemeConverter | |
MsSqlServerAoUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task will upgrade AO schema columns from varchar to nvarchar
NewColourUpgradeTask | |
NotificationPageColumnUpgradeTask | |
NullModificationDateDraftUpgradeTask |
As we update the logic of `removeStaleSharedDrafts`, we should call it in our upgrading task to make sure
invalid data is cleaned up.
OnDemandSpacePermissionsDefaultUpgradeTask |
Migrates A la carte default space permission settings from a studio specific context to the Confluence default
PageTemplateWikiToXhtmlMigrationUpgradeTask |
Convert all wiki formatted content to XHTML content as part of the upgrade.
PageTemplateXhtmlRoundTripMigrationUpgradeTask |
Migrates page templates using a storage format round trip process.
PersonalSpaceCreatorCheckUpgradeTask |
An upgrade task which ensures that all personal spaces have a creator user which matches their user name.
PopulateLowerFieldsUpgradeTask |
Populates new fields that are lower-cased copies of other fields.
RebuildFavouriteContentIndexUpgradeTask |
Trigger a rebuild of the lucene index, for label creation date of favourite labels.
RebuildIndexUpgradeTask |
Trigger a rebuild of the lucene index
ReferencedUsersUserMappingUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to ensure that for all the user names in Confluence a ConfluenceUser object exist.
ReindexAllBlogsUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to re-index all blog post objects.
ReindexAllSpacesUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to re-index all space objects.
RelationConstraintsPostSchemaUpgradeTask |
This is upgrade task to fix issue with multi-column unique constraints, caused by
RelationConstraintsPreSchemaUpgradeTask |
This is upgrade task to fix issue with multi-column unique constraints, caused by
RelationServiceUpgradeTask | |
RemoveConfluenceThreadDumpPluginUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to remove the Confluence Thread Dump plugin from existing Confluence instances.
RemoveEmailToPageWelcomeUpgradeTask | |
RemoveESIndexJournalVerifierUpgradeTask |
RemoveESIndexQueueFlushJobUpgradeTask |
See CONFDEV-40236.
RemoveFixedWidthThemeUpgradeTask | |
RemoveInvalidSpaceWatchersUpgradeTask | |
RemovePeopleDirectoryDuplicatesUpgradeTask |
The index flushing strategy is (intentionally) inaccurate and relies on an in-memory 'flushed entries' cache
to prevent the same object being flushed twice.
RemovePluginLicenseStoragePluginUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to remove the UPM Plugin License Storage Plugin from existing Confluence instances.
RemoveRemoteAppsPluginUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to remove the remotable app i18n plugin from existing confluence instances.
RenameEhcachePropertiesUpgradeTask |
Renames ehcache properties to have more generic name so it could be used for cache tuning across different cache
ServerADGSUpgradeTask |
Migrating old color scheme for spaces and global
ServerADGSUpgradeTask.MigrateStatistic |
Class which contains statistic of this migration
SessionClearingRowCallbackHandler |
Implementation of
RowCallbackHandler which clears the session after processing a configurable
number of rows. |
SetAttachmentStorageSettingForClustersUpgradeTask |
Set attachment storage type setting to database for clustered instances.
SplitIndexUpgradeTask | |
SplitJournalUpgradeTask |
Does 2 things:
Updates the journalentry table to move items from main_index to change_index if they are:
writes the most recent id from the main_index journal to the change_index journal so that the change_index
will continue at the same item as the main_index as the
SplitIndexUpgradeTask will already have copied
the relevant changes to the new index. |
SynchronyBtfOffUpgradeTask |
See for details.
SynchronyEvictionEventsPostSchemaUpgradeTask |
Create compound indexes for Synchrony tables.
SynchronyEvictionEventsPreSchemaUpgradeTask |
We drop synchrony tables and then recreate them from scratch instead of truncating because of the Hibernate bug
that can't alter existing quoted tables.
SynchronyEvictionPropertiesCleanupUpgradeTask |
Since we're removing all synchrony data, we also need to delete content properties which reference this data.
SynchronyEvictionSnapshotPreSchemaUpgradeTask |
We drop synchrony tables and then recreate them from scratch instead of truncating because of the Hibernate bug
that can't alter existing quoted tables.
SynchronyEvictionSnapshotsPostSchemaUpgradeTask |
Create compound indexes for Synchrony tables.
UnindexContentTypeUpgradeTask | |
UnindexUserStatusUpgradeTask | |
UpdateSpacePermissionsIndexUpgradeTask |
This upgrade task is to fix an index defined on spacepermissions table as hibernate schema update tool
is not able to update the definition of the multi-column index.
UserIndexingUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task to ensure that for all the user names attached to content in Confluence a PersonalInformation objects
UserKeyReferenceUpgradeTask |
Upgrade tasks to update all tables with user name references to have user key references.
UserMappingLowerUsernameSchemaUpgradeTask |
Upgrade task which will make lower_username column nullable.
UserMappingSchemaUpgradeTask |
Upgrade tasks which will explicitly create the UserMapping table (from Hibernate configuration).
WelcomeMessageUpgradeTask | |
WikiToXhtmlMigrationUpgradeTask |
Convert all wiki formatted content to XHTML content as part of the upgrade.
XhtmlRoundTripMigrationUpgradeTask |
Convert all legacy formatted content to the current XHTML format as part of the upgrade.
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