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Interface ConfluenceWebResourceManager

    • Method Detail

      • getStaticResourcePrefix

        String getStaticResourcePrefix(com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.UrlMode urlMode)
        Deprecated. since 5.5. Use WebResourceUrlProvider.getStaticResourcePrefix(com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.UrlMode) instead.
      • getStaticResourcePrefix

        String getStaticResourcePrefix(String resourceCounter,
                                                   com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.UrlMode urlMode)
        Deprecated. since 5.5. Use WebResourceUrlProvider.getStaticResourcePrefix(String, com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.UrlMode) instead.
      • getResources

        String getResources()
        Returns the HTML output of WebResourceManager.includeResources(, UrlMode), which includes references to all the delayed Javascript and CSS resources requested by WebResourceManager.requireResource(String).

        This is a convenience method for velocity templates and is equivalent to calling includeResources with UrlMode.AUTO and DefaultWebResourceFilter.

      • getCssResources

        String getCssResources(String spaceKey)
        Returns the HTML output of WebResourceManager.includeResources(Writer, UrlMode, WebResourceFilter), which includes references to all the delayed CSS resources requested by WebResourceManager.requireResource(String).

        This method should only be called once for each request. Multiple calls to this method will result with null being returned.

        This is a convenience method for velocity templates and is equivalent to calling includeResources with UrlMode.AUTO and CssWebResource.

        spaceKey - spaceKey if null global theme is used.
      • getJsResources

        String getJsResources()
        Returns the HTML output of WebResourceManager.includeResources(Writer, UrlMode, WebResourceFilter), which includes references to all the delayed Javascript resources requested by WebResourceManager.requireResource(String).

        This method should only be called once for each request. Multiple calls to this method will result with null being returned.

        This is a convenience method for velocity templates and is equivalent to calling includeResources with UrlMode.AUTO and JavascriptWebResource.

      • getThemeJsResources

        String getThemeJsResources(String spaceKey)
        Returns the script tags for the theme specific javascript resources. If spaceKey is null or invalid, the globally configured theme resources are returned.
      • getGlobalCssResourcePrefix

        String getGlobalCssResourcePrefix()
        Get the resource prefix for the global CSS file. This prefix should be updated every time there is a change to the global theme or colour scheme.
      • getSpaceCssPrefix

        String getSpaceCssPrefix(String spaceKey)
        Get the resource prefix for a particular space's CSS file. This prefix should be updated every time there is a change to the space's theme or colour scheme.
        spaceKey - the key of the space we're viewing the CSS for, or null for the global CSS.
      • getResourceContent

        String getResourceContent(String resourceName)
        Gets the content of a resource specified.
        resourceName - The fully qualified plugin name and resource to include (eg confluence.web.resources:legacy-styles)
        the content of the resource
      • requireResourcesForContext

        void requireResourcesForContext(String context)
        Requires all resources which have the given context specified in their descriptor
        Specified by:
        requireResourcesForContext in interface com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.WebResourceManager
        context - The name of the context for which you want to require resources (eg "confluence.main")
      • putMetadata

        boolean putMetadata(String key,
                            String value)
        Adds key-value String pairs to a map to be rendered later.
        key - a unique key to store the value against
        value - an HTML-safe string
        true if metadata added to map successfully
      • getAdminCssResources

        String getAdminCssResources()
        the CSS for the admin pages. This should not include any custom/dangerous/user configured CSS
      • getEditorCssResources

        String getEditorCssResources(String spaceKey)
        spaceKey - space key to allow custom styling. Can be null to use global configured theme.
        link tags for all the CSS used by the editor iframe.

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