Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
User |
PersonFactory.buildFrom(ConfluenceUser hibernateObject,
Expansions expansions) |
Person |
PersonFactory.forUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
Person |
PersonFactory.forUser(ConfluenceUser user,
Expansions expansions)
Construct the person object for a particular user.
User |
PersonFactory.fromUser(@NonNull ConfluenceUser user) |
User |
PersonFactory.fromUser(@NonNull ConfluenceUser user,
Expansions expansions)
Constructs a User object for a particular user.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Contributors |
ContributorsFactory.buildFrom(List<ConfluenceUser> editContributors,
Expansions expansions) |
Reference<History> |
HistoryFactory.buildRef(ContentEntityObject entity,
Reference<Content> contentReference,
List<ConfluenceUser> editContributors,
Fauxpansions fauxpansions,
ContentFactory contentFactory) |
Constructor and Description |
SpaceRemovalLongRunningTask(String spaceKey,
SpaceManager spaceManager,
ConfluenceUser user,
I18NBean i18n) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValidationResult |
ContentCreator.validateCreate(ConfluenceUser confluenceUser,
Content newContent,
Class<? extends ContentEntityObject> entityClass)
Perform common validation checks for creation of content in a space
ValidationResult |
ContentCreator.validateUpdate(ConfluenceUser user,
Content updatedContent,
ContentEntityObject entity)
Perform common validation checks for updating content
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ConfluenceUser> |
DefaultUserMentionsExtractor.extractMentionedUsers(XMLEventReader reader)
Given a stream of storage format extracts all user links that are considered a 'mention'.
List<ConfluenceUser> |
UserMentionsExtractor.extractMentionedUsers(XMLEventReader reader)
Given a stream of storage format extracts all user links that are considered a 'mention'.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
Return the user from
AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.get() . |
ConfluenceUser |
VersionHistorySummaryCollaborator.getCollaborator() |
ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceEntityObject.getCreator() |
ConfluenceUser |
ContentPermissionSummary.getCreator() |
ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceEntityObject.getLastModifier() |
ConfluenceUser |
since 5.11. Use
VersionHistorySummary.getContributors() instead |
ConfluenceUser |
VersionHistorySummaryCollaborator.getLastModifier() |
ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getUserByName(String username)
Returns user by name.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ConfluenceUser> |
since 6.4.0 use
VersionHistorySummary.getContributorSet() |
Set<ConfluenceUser> |
VersionHistorySummary.getContributorSet() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Page> |
DefaultContentPermissionManager.getPermittedPagesIgnoreInheritedPermissions(List<Page> contentList,
ConfluenceUser user,
String permission)
Check permissions for a collection of objects without checking permissions of ancestors and spaces.
Map<Long,ValidationResult> |
DefaultContentPermissionManager.hasContentLevelPermission(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType,
Collection<Long> contentIds) |
boolean |
DefaultContentPermissionManager.hasVisibleChildren(Page page,
ConfluenceUser user)
Returns true if at least one child is visible
This method does not check all children, it stops working when the first visible children is found
boolean |
AbstractLabelableEntityObject.isFavourite(ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
ContentPermissionManager.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user)
Remove all content permission associated with a given user.
void |
DefaultContentPermissionManager.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
ConfluenceEntityObject.setCreator(ConfluenceUser creator) |
void |
ConfluenceEntityObject.setLastModifier(ConfluenceUser lastModifier) |
VersionHistorySummary.Builder |
VersionHistorySummary.Builder.withContributor(ConfluenceUser contributor) |
VersionHistorySummary.Builder |
VersionHistorySummary.Builder.withLastModifier(ConfluenceUser lastModifier) |
Constructor and Description |
ContentPermissionSummary(long id,
Space space,
ConfluenceUser creator) |
VersionHistorySummary(long contentId,
int version,
ConfluenceUser lastModifier,
Date lastModifiedDate,
String versionComment)
since 6.4.0
VersionHistorySummary(long contentId,
int version,
ConfluenceUser lastModifier,
List<ConfluenceUser> contributors,
Date lastModifiedDate,
String versionComment)
since 6.4.0
VersionHistorySummaryCollaborator(long id,
int version,
Date lastModificationDate,
String versionComment,
ConfluenceUser lastModifier,
ConfluenceUser collaborator) |
Constructor and Description |
VersionHistorySummary(long contentId,
int version,
ConfluenceUser lastModifier,
List<ConfluenceUser> contributors,
Date lastModifiedDate,
String versionComment)
since 6.4.0
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Long,List<ConfluenceUser>> |
ContentEntityObjectDao.getVersionEditContributors(Iterable<T> originalVersions)
Get version edit contributors for a set of content identifiers.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ContentPermission> |
ContentPermissionDao.getUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ContentPermission> |
ContentPermissionHibernateDao.getUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user) |
Constructor and Description |
RunAsUserCommand(ConfluenceUser userToRunAs,
ServiceCommand delegate) |
Constructor and Description |
AttachmentTrashedEvent(Object source,
Attachment attachment,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser originatingUser,
boolean suppressNotifications)
Creates an attachment trashed event
GeneralAttachmentRestoreEvent(Object source,
Attachment attachment,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser originatingUser,
boolean suppressNotifications)
Creates an attachment restore event
HiddenAttachmentRestoreEvent(Object source,
Attachment attachment,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser originatingUser)
Creates an attachment restore event
Constructor and Description |
BlogPostMovedEvent(Object src,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
BlogPost blogPost,
Space originalSpace,
Space currentSpace) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
PageCopyEvent.getInitiator() |
Constructor and Description |
PageCopyEvent(Object source,
Page origin,
Page destination,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser initiator,
boolean suppressNotifications) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
SynchronyRecoveryEvent.getUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
ContentUpdatedEvent.getUser() |
Constructor and Description |
ContentUpdatedEvent(ConfluenceUser user,
ContentId contentId,
ContentStatus contentStatus,
String spaceKey,
String syncRev) |
ContentUpdatedEvent(ConfluenceUser user,
ContentId contentId,
ContentStatus contentStatus,
String spaceKey,
String syncRev,
PageUpdateTrigger updateTrigger) |
SynchronyRecoveryEvent(ConfluenceUser user,
@NonNull ContentId contentId,
@NonNull String recoveryState) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Optional<ConfluenceUser> |
AbstractPageHierarchyEvent.getInitiator() |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractCopyPageHierarchyEvent(Object source,
Page root,
Page destination,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser initiator,
boolean suppressNotifications) |
AbstractPageHierarchyEvent(Object source,
Page page,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser initiator,
boolean suppressNotifications) |
CopyPageHierarchyFinishEvent(Object source,
Page root,
Page destination,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser initiator,
boolean suppressNotifications) |
CopyPageHierarchyStartEvent(Object source,
Page root,
Page destination,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser initiator,
boolean suppressNotifications) |
DeletePageHierarchyFinishEvent(Object source,
Page page,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser initiator,
boolean suppressNotifications) |
DeletePageHierarchyStartEvent(Object source,
Page page,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser initiator,
boolean suppressNotifications) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
FollowEvent.getFolloweeUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
FollowEvent.getFollowerUser() |
Constructor and Description |
FollowEvent(Object src,
ConfluenceUser followee,
ConfluenceUser follower) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
SpacePermissionsRemoveForUserEvent.getUser() |
Constructor and Description |
SpacePermissionsRemoveForUserEvent(Object src,
ConfluenceUser user,
List<SpacePermission> permissions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
ForgotPasswordEvent.getUser() |
Constructor and Description |
ForgotPasswordEvent(ConfluenceUser user,
String resetPasswordLink,
String changePasswordRequestLink) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
Connection.getFolloweeUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
Connection.getFollowerUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
DefaultFollowManager.UserCanUseConfluencePredicate.apply(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user)
void |
DefaultFollowManager.followUser(ConfluenceUser follower,
ConfluenceUser followee) |
void |
FollowManager.followUser(ConfluenceUser follower,
ConfluenceUser followee)
Sets the follower to follow the specified user.
<T> Paginated<T> |
DefaultFollowManager.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser user,
PaginationQuery<ConfluenceUser,T> query) |
<T> Paginated<T> |
DefaultFollowManager.getFollowing(ConfluenceUser user,
PaginationQuery<ConfluenceUser,T> query) |
boolean |
DefaultFollowManager.CanUserUseConfluence.test(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Paginated<T> |
DefaultFollowManager.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser user,
PaginationQuery<ConfluenceUser,T> query) |
<T> Paginated<T> |
DefaultFollowManager.getFollowing(ConfluenceUser user,
PaginationQuery<ConfluenceUser,T> query) |
Constructor and Description |
Connection(ConfluenceUser follower,
ConfluenceUser followee) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFilteredFollowees(ConfluenceUser follower,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,
Predicate<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Returns a list of usernames for the users that the specified user is following
default PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFilteredFollowers(ConfluenceUser followee,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,
Predicate<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Returns a list of users that are followers of the specified user
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFollowees(ConfluenceUser follower,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser followee,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFilteredFollowees(ConfluenceUser follower,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,
Predicate<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Returns a list of usernames for the users that the specified user is following
default PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFilteredFollowers(ConfluenceUser followee,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,
Predicate<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Returns a list of users that are followers of the specified user
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFollowees(ConfluenceUser follower,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser followee,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFilteredFollowees(ConfluenceUser follower,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,
Predicate<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Returns a list of usernames for the users that the specified user is following
default PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFilteredFollowers(ConfluenceUser followee,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,
Predicate<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Returns a list of users that are followers of the specified user
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFollowees(ConfluenceUser follower,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
ConnectionDao.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser followee,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
HibernateConnectionDao.getFollowees(ConfluenceUser follower,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
HibernateConnectionDao.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser followee,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
HibernateConnectionDao.getFollowees(ConfluenceUser follower,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
HibernateConnectionDao.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser followee,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
HibernateConnectionDao.getFollowees(ConfluenceUser follower,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
HibernateConnectionDao.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser followee,
LimitedRequest limitedRequest,<ConfluenceUser> predicate)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
VersionContributorSummary.getContributor() |
Constructor and Description |
VersionContributorSummary(long contentId,
ConfluenceUser contributor) |
VersionContributorSummary(Long originalVersionId,
Long contentId,
ConfluenceUser contributor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NonNull Homepage |
HomepageService.getHomepage(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user)
Determines which type of homepage the current user should receive.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
DelegatingNotificationDao.isWatchingContent(@NonNull ConfluenceUser user,
@NonNull ContentEntityObject content)
boolean |
CachingNotificationDao.isWatchingContent(@NonNull ConfluenceUser user,
@NonNull ContentEntityObject content) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CommentAwareHelper.configureCommentAware(CommentAware commentAware,
CommentAwareHelper.ParameterSource parameterSource,
ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
UserLookupHelper.apply(@Nullable String userKeyOrName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user)
void |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user,
SpacePermissionContext context) |
void |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType)
void |
CoarseGrainedCachingSpacePermissionManager.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType,
SpacePermissionContext context) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
Returns the user this query builder was constructed for.
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
SpacePermissionQueryBuilderImpl.getUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.fugue.Either<AccessDenied,SpacePermissionQueryBuilder> |
SpacePermissionQueryManager.createSpacePermissionQueryBuilder(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
@NonNull String permissionType)
Constructs a
SpacePermissionQueryBuilder for use by DAO's to construct database queries, without having
to reach out to the manager level to determine which categories of permission apply for the current user. |
com.atlassian.fugue.Either<AccessDenied,SpacePermissionQueryBuilder> |
DefaultSpacePermissionQueryManager.createSpacePermissionQueryBuilder(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
@NonNull String permissionType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.findByKey(@Nullable com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey key) |
ConfluenceUser |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.findByUsername(@Nullable String username) |
@NonNull ConfluenceUser |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.rename(ConfluenceUser userToRename,
String newUsername,
boolean overrideExisting) |
@NonNull ConfluenceUser |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.rename(String oldUsername,
String newUsername,
boolean overrideExisting) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey,Optional<ConfluenceUser>> |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.findByKeys(Set<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey> userkeys) |
List<ConfluenceUser> |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.searchUnsyncedUsers(String searchParam) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.create(ConfluenceUser user) |
boolean |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.isDeletedUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
boolean |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.isUnsyncedUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.remove(ConfluenceUser user) |
@NonNull ConfluenceUser |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.rename(ConfluenceUser userToRename,
String newUsername,
boolean overrideExisting) |
void |
CachingConfluenceUserDao.update(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultImportContext.getUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
ImportContext.getUser() |
Constructor and Description |
DefaultImportContext(String workingFile,
ConfluenceUser importer) |
DefaultImportContext(String workingFile,
ExportDescriptor exportDescriptor,
ConfluenceUser importer) |
DefaultImportContext(URL workingURL,
ConfluenceUser importer) |
Constructor and Description |
ExportSpaceLongRunningTask(ConfluenceUser remoteUser,
String contextPath,
ExportContext exportContext,
Set<Long> contentToBeExported,
Set<Long> contentToBeExcluded,
GateKeeper gateKeeper,
ImportExportManager importExportManager,
PermissionManager permissionManager,
SpaceManager spaceManager,
String spaceKey,
String type,
String contentOption) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Page> |
ContentPermissionManagerInternal.getPermittedPagesIgnoreInheritedPermissions(List<Page> contentList,
ConfluenceUser user,
String permission)
Check permissions for a collection of objects without checking permissions of ancestors and spaces.
Map<Long,ValidationResult> |
ContentPermissionManagerInternal.hasContentLevelPermission(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType,
Collection<Long> contentIds)
Check permission for a collection of content at once.
boolean |
ContentPermissionManagerInternal.hasVisibleChildren(Page page,
ConfluenceUser user)
Returns true if at least one child is visible
This method does not check all children, it stops working when the first visible children is found
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Paginated<T> |
FollowManagerInternal.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser user,
PaginationQuery<ConfluenceUser,T> query)
Constructs a new Paginated response containing the followers of specified user, limited and converted by the
given PaginationQuery.
<T> Paginated<T> |
FollowManagerInternal.getFollowing(ConfluenceUser user,
PaginationQuery<ConfluenceUser,T> query)
Returns a list of users that the specified user is following, limited and converted by the given PaginationQuery.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Paginated<T> |
FollowManagerInternal.getFollowers(ConfluenceUser user,
PaginationQuery<ConfluenceUser,T> query)
Constructs a new Paginated response containing the followers of specified user, limited and converted by the
given PaginationQuery.
<T> Paginated<T> |
FollowManagerInternal.getFollowing(ConfluenceUser user,
PaginationQuery<ConfluenceUser,T> query)
Returns a list of users that the specified user is following, limited and converted by the given PaginationQuery.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<LongTaskStatus> |
LongRunningTaskManagerInternal.getAllTasks(@Nullable ConfluenceUser asUser,
LimitedRequest request)
Get all currently-tracked tasks that the specified user can see.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
DelegatingNotificationDaoInternal.isWatchingContent(@NonNull ConfluenceUser user,
@NonNull ContentEntityObject content) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Long,List<ConfluenceUser>> |
AbstractContentEntityObjectHibernateDao.getVersionEditContributors(Iterable<T> originalVersions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected RelationEntity<ConfluenceUser,ContentEntityObject> |
User2ContentHibernateRelationDao.constructRelationEntity(RelationEntity<ConfluenceUser,ContentEntityObject> relationEntity,
ConfluenceUser source,
ContentEntityObject target,
RelationDescriptor<?,?> relationDescriptor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected RelationEntity<ConfluenceUser,ContentEntityObject> |
User2ContentHibernateRelationDao.constructRelationEntity(RelationEntity<ConfluenceUser,ContentEntityObject> relationEntity,
ConfluenceUser source,
ContentEntityObject target,
RelationDescriptor<?,?> relationDescriptor) |
@NonNull List<ConfluenceUser> |
User2UserHibernateRelationDao.getSources(RelationQuery<ConfluenceUser> request,
int start,
int limit) |
int |
User2UserHibernateRelationDao.getSourcesCount(RelationQuery<ConfluenceUser> request) |
@NonNull List<ConfluenceUser> |
User2UserHibernateRelationDao.getTargets(RelationQuery<ConfluenceUser> request,
int start,
int limit) |
@NonNull List<ContentEntityObject> |
User2ContentHibernateRelationDao.getTargets(RelationQuery<ConfluenceUser> request,
int start,
int limit) |
int |
User2UserHibernateRelationDao.getTargetsCount(RelationQuery<ConfluenceUser> request) |
int |
User2ContentHibernateRelationDao.getTargetsCount(RelationQuery<ConfluenceUser> request) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SpacePermissionManagerInternal.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user,
SpacePermissionContext context)
Removes all permissions for the given user.
void |
SpacePermissionManagerInternal.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType,
SpacePermissionContext context)
Removes global permission of specified type that is directly associated with a user.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ConfluenceUser implementation based on a UserKey object, and which looks up the "real"
ConfluenceUser lazily as necessary to fulfil the method contract. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
UserAccessorInternal.getExistingUserByPerson(Person person)
Retrieve the corresponding ConfluenceUser (if any) for a Person, by username, or user key
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
com.atlassian.fugue.Pair<List<String>,PageResponse<ConfluenceUser>> |
UserSearchServiceInternalImpl.doMemberOfGroupsSearch(PageRequest pageRequest,
GroupSearchRequest searchRequest) |
com.atlassian.fugue.Pair<List<String>,PageResponse<ConfluenceUser>> |
UserSearchServiceInternal.doMemberOfGroupsSearch(PageRequest pageRequest,
GroupSearchRequest searchRequest) |
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
UserSearchServiceInternalImpl.doUserSearch(PageRequest pageRequest,
UserSearchRequest searchRequest) |
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
UserSearchServiceInternal.doUserSearch(PageRequest pageRequest,
UserSearchRequest searchRequest) |
Optional<ConfluenceUser> |
UserAccessorInternal.getExistingByApiUser(User user)
Retrieve the corresponding ConfluenceUser (if any) for a user, by user key or username
|<ConfluenceUser> |
UserAccessorInternal.searchUnsyncedUsers(String searchParam)
Returns a list of all users for the given username search parameter that are unsynced: a user whose account has
been disconnected from an external directory, i.e.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
UserAccessorInternal.isCrowdManaged(ConfluenceUser user)
Checks whether or not embedded Crowd manages/has knowledge of a given user
boolean |
UserAccessorInternal.isDeletedUser(ConfluenceUser user)
Checks whether or not a user has been deleted from the application
boolean |
UserAccessorInternal.isUnsyncedUser(ConfluenceUser user)
Checks whether or not a user is unsynced
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
Label.getOwnerUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
Labelling.getOwningUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PermittedLabelView.isFavourite(ConfluenceUser user) |
boolean |
Labelable.isFavourite(ConfluenceUser user)
Is this object marked as somebody's favourite?
Label |
ParsedLabelName.toLabel(ConfluenceUser user)
Creates a personal, team or global Label object from the parsed name with the given owner.
Constructor and Description |
Label(String name,
Namespace namespace,
ConfluenceUser owner) |
Label(String name,
String namespace,
ConfluenceUser owner) |
Labelling(Label label,
EditableLabelable labelable,
ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
LikeEntity.getUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LikeEntity.setUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
Constructor and Description |
LikeEntity(ContentEntityObject content,
ConfluenceUser user,
Date creationDate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
Notification.getReceiver() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Notification |
DefaultNotificationManager.addDailyReportNotification(ConfluenceUser user) |
Notification |
NotificationManager.addDailyReportNotification(ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
DefaultNotificationsSender.sendNotification(ConfluenceUser toUser,
NotificationContext context,
NotificationData notificationData,
ConversionContext conversionContext) |
void |
DefaultNotificationManager.setNetworkNotificationForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
boolean watchingNetwork) |
void |
NotificationManager.setNetworkNotificationForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
boolean watchingNetwork) |
void |
Notification.setReceiver(ConfluenceUser receiver) |
void |
DefaultNotificationManager.setSiteBlogNotificationForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
boolean globalBlogWatchForUser) |
void |
NotificationManager.setSiteBlogNotificationForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
boolean globalBlogWatchForUser) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NotificationContext |
NotificationData.cloneContextForRecipient(ConfluenceUser recipient)
Returns a copy of the common context for this Notification that can be used to populate a single email for
the specified recipient.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
NotificationDao.isWatchingContent(@NonNull ConfluenceUser user,
@NonNull ContentEntityObject content)
Returns true if the given user is directly watching the given content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
HibernateNotificationDao.isWatchingContent(@NonNull ConfluenceUser user,
@NonNull ContentEntityObject content) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
Return the user who made the most recent conflicting change.
Constructor and Description |
PagePermissionsActionHelper(ConfluenceUser currentAuthenticatedUser,
UserAccessor userAccessor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Space> |
AvailableSpaces.getAvailableSpaces(Space currentSpace,
ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Draft |
DraftDao.getDraft(String pageId,
ConfluenceUser owner,
String type,
String spaceKey)
Finds and returns a draft object with all the specified properties or null if none is found.
Draft |
SessionDraftDao.getDraft(String pageId,
ConfluenceUser owner,
String type,
String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ConfluenceUser |
DefaultBulkOptions.BaseBuilder.user |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
DefaultBulkOptions.getUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
T |
DefaultBulkOptions.BaseBuilder.withUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
Constructor and Description |
DefaultBulkOptions(int maxProcessedEntries,
int batchSize,
ConfluenceUser user,
com.atlassian.core.util.ProgressMeter progressMeter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
BulkPageDeleteExecutionContext.getUser() |
Constructor and Description |
BulkPageDeleteExecutionContext(com.atlassian.core.util.ProgressMeter progressMeter,
ConfluenceUser user,
Page targetParent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Long,List<ConfluenceUser>> |
CachingPageDao.getVersionEditContributors(Iterable<Page> originalVersions) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Draft |
HibernateDraftDao.getDraft(String pageId,
ConfluenceUser creator,
String draftType,
String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
WebInterfaceContext.getCurrentUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultWebInterfaceContext.getCurrentUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
WebInterfaceContext.getTargetedUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultWebInterfaceContext.getTargetedUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DefaultWebInterfaceContext.setCurrentUser(ConfluenceUser user)
Set the current user on the context
void |
DefaultWebInterfaceContext.setTargetedUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Edge |
DefaultEdgeFactory.getLikeEdge(ConfluenceUser liker,
ContentEntityObject likedContent,
Date likeDate) |
Edge |
EdgeFactory.getLikeEdge(ConfluenceUser liker,
ContentEntityObject likedContent,
Date likeDate)
Creates a new instance of an edge which represents a user liking content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
DefaultEdgeTypePermissionDelegate.canView(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultEdge.getUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
The user who created the edge.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
EdgeType.EdgeTypePermissionDelegate.canView(ConfluenceUser user) |
Constructor and Description |
DefaultEdge(ConfluenceUser user,
EdgeType edgeType,
Object target,
Date date,
Object edgeId) |
Constructor and Description |
LikesResponse(LikeManager likeManager,
PersonService personService,
UserAccessor userAccessor,
ContentEntityObject content,
ConfluenceUser currentUser,<Set<String>> followeeUsernames) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
LikeNotification.getRecipient() |
Constructor and Description |
LikeNotification(ConfluenceUser recipient,
com.atlassian.user.User liker,
com.atlassian.user.User author,
ContentEntityObject contentEntity,
com.atlassian.plugin.notifications.spi.UserRole role)
Construct a like notification
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GlobalEntitiesContextProvider.injectSpaceTabContext(ConfluenceUser user,
Map<String,Object> context) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<ConfluenceUser> |
RecentlyUpdatedMacroParams.getUsers() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PulpRedirectDao.addRedirect(ConfluenceUser user,
String confluenceVersionNumber)
Records the given user as having been redirected to the PULP for the given version of Confluence.
boolean |
PulpRedirectDao.hasBeenRedirected(ConfluenceUser user,
String confluenceVersionNumber)
Returns whether the user has been redirected to the PULP for this given version of Confluence.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PulpRedirectDaoImpl.addRedirect(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user,
String confluenceVersionNumber) |
boolean |
PulpRedirectDaoImpl.hasBeenRedirected(ConfluenceUser user,
String confluenceVersionNumber) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UserDto |
UserDtoFactoryImpl.getUserDto(@Nullable ConfluenceUser targetUser) |
UserDto |
UserDtoFactory.getUserDto(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UserEntity |
UserEntityHelper.buildEntityForUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ConfluenceUser |
BaseHttpRetrievalMacro.getRemoteUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ConfluenceUser |
TokenAuthenticationInvocationHandler.getAuthenticatedUser(String token)
Determines which user is performing the request.
ConfluenceUser |
Returns the anonymous user
ConfluenceUser |
TokenAuthenticationManager.makeNonAnonymousConfluenceUserFromToken(String token)
Retrieves the user for a particular token
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Object |
TokenAuthenticationInvocationHandler.invokeAuthenticatedMethod(ConfluenceUser user,
Method method,
Object[] args)
Sets the authenticated user to the provided user before calling the method and restores
the original user afterwards.
Constructor and Description |
RemoteConfluenceUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
SoapServiceHelperImpl.retrieveUser(String username) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
SpacesSoapService.verifyPersonalSpaceCreation(ConfluenceUser user)
since 4.2.7 will be removed in a future release
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
NetworkFeedAction.getUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<SpacePickerHelper.SpaceDTO> |
SpacePickerHelper.getAvailableGlobalSpaces(ConfluenceUser user)
Gets a list of current (non-archived) global space keys and names, not including any of the user's
favourite spaces.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
Returns the creator of this result.
ConfluenceUser |
Returns the last modifier of this result.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
ContentPermissionSearchUtils.getEncodedUserKey(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
SearchQueryParameters.getContributor() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<ConfluenceUser> |
RecentUpdateQueryParameters.getFollowingUsers() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SearchQueryParameters.setContributor(ConfluenceUser contributor)
Limits results to ones where the given user has been a contributor
Constructor and Description |
RecentUpdateQueryParameters(Set<ConfluenceUser> followingUsers,
Set<String> labels,
Set<String> spaceKeys,
EnumSet<ContentTypeEnum> contentTypes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
ProjectedSearchResult.getCreatorUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
AbstractSearchResult.getCreatorUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
Gets the person who created the entity represented by the search result.
ConfluenceUser |
ProjectedSearchResult.getLastModifierUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
AbstractSearchResult.getLastModifierUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
Gets the last person to modify the entity represented by the search result.
protected ConfluenceUser |
AbstractSearchResult.getUserResult(String fieldName)
Attempts to resolve the contents of the given field as a
ConfluenceUser . |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractSearchResult(<String,ConfluenceUser> userLookup) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractLuceneSearchResult(<String,ConfluenceUser> userLookup)
since 5.9.
LuceneSearchResult(org.apache.lucene.document.Document document,<String,ConfluenceUser> userLookup)
LuceneSearchResult(org.apache.lucene.document.Document document,
Optional<HitHighlighter> maybeHighlighter,<String,ConfluenceUser> userLookup)
Constructor to create a search result directly from a Lucene document
LuceneSearchResult(org.apache.lucene.document.Document document,
Optional<HitHighlighter> maybeHighlighter,
Optional<String> maybeExplanation,<String,ConfluenceUser> userLookup) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<ConfluenceUser> |
LastModifierUserSearchFilter.getLastModifiers() |
Constructor and Description |
LastModifierUserSearchFilter(Collection<ConfluenceUser> lastModifiers)
Creates an OR filter over the
DocumentFieldName.LAST_MODIFIER_NAME field. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
SpacePermission.getUserSubject() |
ConfluenceUser |
ContentPermission.isUserPermission() is true, returns the user who is explicitly permitted by this permission. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ContentPermission |
ContentPermission.createUserPermission(String type,
ConfluenceUser user) |
static SpacePermission |
SpacePermission.createUserSpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space,
ConfluenceUser subject) |
protected List<SpacePermission> |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.getAllPermissionsForUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
SpacePermissionManager.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user)
void |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.removeAllUserPermissions(@NonNull ConfluenceUser user)
Removes all the
SpacePermission 's for the specified user. |
void |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.removeAllUserPermissions(@NonNull ConfluenceUser user)
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user,
SpacePermissionContext context)
Removes all the
SpacePermission 's for the specified user. |
void |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user,
SpacePermissionContext context) |
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeAllUserPermissions(ConfluenceUser user,
SpacePermissionContext context) |
void |
SpacePermissionManager.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType)
void |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType)
Removes the specified Global Permissions of type 'permissionType' from the user
void |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType)
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType)
void |
SpacePermissionCoordinator.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType,
SpacePermissionContext context)
Removes the specified Global Permissions of type 'permissionType' from the user
void |
ReadOnlySpacePermissionManager.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType,
SpacePermissionContext context) |
void |
DefaultSpacePermissionManager.removeGlobalPermissionForUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String permissionType,
SpacePermissionContext context) |
void |
ContentPermission.setSubject(ConfluenceUser subject) |
void |
SpacePermission.setUserSubject(ConfluenceUser user)
Constructor and Description |
ContentPermission(String type,
String groupName,
ConfluenceUser user) |
SpacePermission(String type,
@Nullable Space space,
@Nullable String group,
@Nullable ConfluenceUser subject)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultPermissionsAdministrator.UserPermissionRow.getUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
EditGlobalPermissionsAdministrator.canSetPermissionOnUser(String permission,
ConfluenceUser user)
Returns whether the remote user can set the required permission for the user (used by velocity)
SpacePermission |
EditSpacePermissionsAdministrator.createUserGuardPermission(String guardPermission,
ConfluenceUser user) |
SpacePermission |
EditGlobalPermissionsAdministrator.createUserGuardPermission(String guardPermission,
ConfluenceUser user)
Creates the relevant guard permission for the user
SpacePermission |
EditPermissionsAdministrator.createUserGuardPermission(String guardPermission,
ConfluenceUser user)
Creates the relevant guard permission for the user
Constructor and Description |
UserPermissionRow(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<SpacePermission> |
SpacePermissionDao.findPermissionsForUser(ConfluenceUser user)
Retrieves all permissions for user
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
UserLoginInfo.getUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<SpacePermission> |
HibernateSpacePermissionDao.findPermissionsForUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
Constructor and Description |
UserLoginInfo(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceAuthenticatorUtils.refreshPrincipalObtainedFromSession(UserAccessor userAccessor,
Principal principal) |
Constructor and Description |
ConfluenceUserPrincipal(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DarkFeaturesManager.disableUserFeature(ConfluenceUser user,
String featureKey)
Disables the specified feature for the specified User
void |
VacantDarkFeaturesManager.disableUserFeature(ConfluenceUser user,
String featureKey) |
void |
DefaultDarkFeaturesManager.disableUserFeature(ConfluenceUser user,
String featureKey) |
void |
DarkFeaturesManager.enableUserFeature(ConfluenceUser user,
String featureKey)
Enables the specified feature for the specified User
void |
VacantDarkFeaturesManager.enableUserFeature(ConfluenceUser user,
String featureKey) |
void |
DefaultDarkFeaturesManager.enableUserFeature(ConfluenceUser user,
String featureKey) |
DarkFeatures |
DarkFeaturesManager.getDarkFeatures(ConfluenceUser user) |
DarkFeatures |
VacantDarkFeaturesManager.getDarkFeatures(ConfluenceUser user)
This is vacant (tenant-less) manager.
DarkFeatures |
DefaultDarkFeaturesManager.getDarkFeatures(ConfluenceUser user) |
static boolean |
DarkFeatures.isDarkFeatureEnabled(ConfluenceUser user,
String featureKey)
Returns true if the dark feature is enabled for the given user, either because
of a user preference or because it is enabled site-wide via a site or system setting.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ConfluenceUser |
AbstractAwareInterceptor.getUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Space |
SpaceManager.getPersonalSpace(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user)
since 7.3.0, use
in plugins and SpaceManagerInternal in core where applicable |
@Nullable Space |
DefaultSpaceManager.getPersonalSpace(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Space |
SpaceDao.getPersonalSpace(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Space |
HibernateSpaceDao.getPersonalSpace(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
An implementation of the ConfluenceUser which wraps an atlassian-user User
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultUserAccessor.createUser(com.atlassian.user.User userTemplate, credential) |
ConfluenceUser |
UserAccessor.createUser(com.atlassian.user.User userTemplate, password) |
static ConfluenceUser |
AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.get() |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultUserAccessor.getExistingUserByKey(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey key) |
ConfluenceUser |
UserAccessor.getExistingUserByKey(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey key)
Returns the user with the specified user key, or
null if the user doesn't exist or the key is
null . |
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
DefaultUserAccessor.getExistingUserByPerson(@NonNull Person person) |
ConfluenceUser |
PersonalInformation.getUser() |
protected ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceAuthenticator.getUser(String uid) |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultUserAccessor.getUserByKey(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey key) |
ConfluenceUser |
UserAccessor.getUserByKey(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey key)
Returns the user with the specified user key, or
null if the user has never existed or the key is
null . |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultUserAccessor.getUserByName(String name) |
ConfluenceUser |
UserAccessor.getUserByName(String name)
Returns the ConfluenceUser with the supplied user name or null if the user doesn't exist or the supplied name is null.
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultUserAccessor.renameUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String newUsername) |
ConfluenceUser |
UserAccessor.renameUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String newUsername)
Updates the username of the given user.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Optional<ConfluenceUser> |
DefaultUserAccessor.getExistingByApiUser(User user) |
Iterable<ConfluenceUser> |
DefaultUserAccessor.getMembers(com.atlassian.user.Group group) |
Iterable<ConfluenceUser> |
UserAccessor.getMembers(com.atlassian.user.Group group)
Returns users who are members of the specified group
(either directly or as a member of a nested group).
List<ConfluenceUser> |
DefaultUserAccessor.getUsersByUserKeys(List<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey> userKeys) |
List<ConfluenceUser> |
UserAccessor.getUsersByUserKeys(List<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey> userKeys)
Returns a list of ConfluenceUser with the supplied UserKeys or an empty list if the users do not exist.
|<ConfluenceUser> |
DefaultUserAccessor.searchUnsyncedUsers(String searchParam) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static AutoCloseable |
AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.asUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet |
DefaultUserAccessor.getPropertySet(ConfluenceUser user) |
com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet |
UserAccessor.getPropertySet(ConfluenceUser user) |
boolean |
DefaultUserContentManager.hasAuthoredContent(ConfluenceUser user) |
boolean |
UserContentManager.hasAuthoredContent(ConfluenceUser user) |
boolean |
DefaultUserAccessor.isCrowdManaged(ConfluenceUser user) |
boolean |
DefaultUserAccessor.isDeletedUser(ConfluenceUser user)
Check implementation is currently based on assumption that a deleted user is defined as
a user with the same user key and user name.
boolean |
DefaultUserAccessor.isUnsyncedUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
UserMentionsContentReindexer.reindex(ConfluenceUser user,
String oldUsername)
Adds content with mentions to the index queue in batches by searching against a specific version of the search
void |
DefaultPersonalInformationManager.removePersonalInformation(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
PersonalInformationManager.removePersonalInformation(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
ConfluenceUser |
DefaultUserAccessor.renameUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String newUsername) |
ConfluenceUser |
UserAccessor.renameUser(ConfluenceUser user,
String newUsername)
Updates the username of the given user.
void |
SignupManager.sendWelcomeEmail(ConfluenceUser user)
Sends a welcome email to the given new user.
void |
DefaultSignupManager.sendWelcomeEmail(ConfluenceUser user) |
static void |
AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.set(ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
PersonalInformation.setUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
static com.atlassian.user.User |
UnknownUser.unknownUser(ConfluenceUser user,
I18NBean i18NBean) |
Constructor and Description |
PersonalInformation(ConfluenceUser user,
String personalInformation) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
AbstractUsersAction.user |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
AbstractUserProfileAction.getUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
ViewFollowingAction.getUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
ViewFollowersAction.getUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
AbstractUsersAction.getUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
ForgotUserPasswordAction.getUser() |
ConfluenceUser |
RemoveUnsyncedUserAction.getUser() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> |
AbstractSearchCrowdUsersAction.getPageResponse() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AbstractSearchCrowdUsersAction.setPageResponse(PageResponse<ConfluenceUser> result) |
Constructor and Description |
DeleteUserLongRunningTask(I18NBean i18NBean,
SettingsManager settingsManager,
UserAccessorInternal userAccessor,
ConfluenceUser user,
com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher eventPublisher) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
AggregationWarningManager.isUserAcknowledged(ConfluenceUser user) |
ValidationResult |
AggregationWarningManager.setAcknowledged(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NotificationContext |
WelcomeEmailBuilder.buildContextFrom(ConfluenceUser user,
NotificationData notificationData)
Constructs a
NotificationContext for the welcome email with the given notificationData |
NotificationData |
WelcomeEmailBuilder.buildFrom(ConfluenceUser user)
NotificationData for a welcome email for the given (new) user. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceUserDao.findByKey(@Nullable com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey key)
Retrieve a ConfluenceUser by the user key.
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceUserDao.findByUsername(@Nullable String username)
Find the ConfluenceUser with the given user name.
@NonNull ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceUserDao.rename(ConfluenceUser userToRename,
String newUsername,
boolean overrideExisting)
Renames a user
@NonNull ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceUserDao.rename(String oldUsername,
String newUsername,
boolean overrideExisting)
Renames a user
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey,Optional<ConfluenceUser>> |
ConfluenceUserDao.findByKeys(Set<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey> userkeys)
Performs a bulk lookup of multiple
ConfluenceUser s. |
List<ConfluenceUser> |
ConfluenceUserDao.searchUnsyncedUsers(String searchParam)
Search all unsynced users, whose account has been disconnected from an external directory, i.e.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ConfluenceUserDao.create(ConfluenceUser user)
Create a new ConfluenceUser.
List<PersonalInformation> |
CachingPersonalInformationDao.getAllByUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
List<PersonalInformation> |
PersonalInformationDao.getAllByUser(ConfluenceUser user)
Workaround for duplicate personal information.
PersonalInformation |
CachingPersonalInformationDao.getByUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
PersonalInformation |
PersonalInformationDao.getByUser(ConfluenceUser user)
Fetches the personal information object for this user.
boolean |
ConfluenceUserDao.isDeletedUser(ConfluenceUser user)
Check whether or not a user has been deleted completely from the application.
boolean |
ConfluenceUserDao.isUnsyncedUser(ConfluenceUser user)
Check whether or not a user exists in the application as unsynced.
void |
ConfluenceUserDao.remove(ConfluenceUser user)
Remove the supplied ConfluenceUser from persistence.
@NonNull ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceUserDao.rename(ConfluenceUser userToRename,
String newUsername,
boolean overrideExisting)
Renames a user
void |
ConfluenceUserDao.update(ConfluenceUser user)
Change a property of an existing ConfluenceUser.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ConfluenceUser |
FindUserHelper.getUser(@Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user) |
static ConfluenceUser |
FindUserHelper.getUserByUserKey(com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey userKey)
Get a user by
UserKey |
static @Nullable ConfluenceUser |
FindUserHelper.getUserByUsername(@Nullable String username)
Get a user by username.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey,com.atlassian.fugue.Option<ConfluenceUser>> |
since 7.0.1. Use
FindUserHelper.getUserByUserKey(UserKey) |
static<String,com.atlassian.fugue.Option<ConfluenceUser>> |
since 7.0.1. Use
FindUserHelper.getUserByUsername(String) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.findByKey(@Nullable com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey key) |
@Nullable ConfluenceUser |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.findByUsername(String username) |
ConfluenceUser |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.rename(ConfluenceUser userToRename,
String newUsername,
boolean overrideExisting) |
ConfluenceUser |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.rename(String oldUsername,
String newUsername,
boolean overrideExisting) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey,Optional<ConfluenceUser>> |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.findByKeys(Set<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey> userkeys) |
Set<ConfluenceUser> |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.getAll() |
List<ConfluenceUser> |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.searchUnsyncedUsers(String searchParam) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.create(ConfluenceUser user)
Persist a new ConfluenceUser.
List<PersonalInformation> |
HibernatePersonalInformationDao.getAllByUser(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user) |
PersonalInformation |
HibernatePersonalInformationDao.getByUser(@Nullable ConfluenceUser user)
Fetches a personal information object for the specified user.
boolean |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.isDeletedUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
boolean |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.isUnsyncedUser(ConfluenceUser user) |
void |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.remove(ConfluenceUser user) |
ConfluenceUser |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.rename(ConfluenceUser userToRename,
String newUsername,
boolean overrideExisting) |
void |
HibernateConfluenceUserDao.update(ConfluenceUser user) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<ConfluenceUser> |
PageChangesBean.getUsers() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Label |
LabelUtil.addLabel(String labelReference,
LabelManager labelManager,
Labelable object,
ConfluenceUser user)
Adds the label to the specified object.
Constructor and Description |
PageChangesBean(int numberOfChanges,
Iterable<ConfluenceUser> usersWhoMadeChanges) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageResponse<LongTaskStatus> |
DefaultLongRunningTaskManager.getAllTasks(@Nullable ConfluenceUser asUser,
LimitedRequest request) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConfluenceUser |
ConfluenceUserManager.resolve(String username) |
Constructor and Description |
ConfluenceUserProfile(ConfluenceUser user,
ProfilePictureInfo profilePictureInfo) |
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