See: Description
Interface | Description |
FileStoreClientIdentitySupplier | Deprecated
since 5.10.
FileStoreClientSupplier | Deprecated
since 5.10.
GsonJsonableFactory.GsonConfiger |
This class provides a convenient way to configure the Gson settings using java 8 lambdas.
MediaApiClientIdentitySupplier |
Supplier that provides a ClientIdentity.
MediaApiClientSupplier |
Supplier that provides a FileStoreClient.
Class | Description |
DefaultFileStoreClientIdentitySupplier | Deprecated
since 7.0.1.
DefaultFileStoreClientSupplier | Deprecated
since 7.0.1.
DefaultMediaApiClientIdentitySupplier |
Supplier that provides a FileStore Client Identity if existed,
or create a new one if not existed.
DefaultMediaApiClientSupplier |
Supplier that provides a HTTP Client based FileStore client.
FileStoreAttachmentDataFileSystem |
An implementation of
AttachmentDataFileSystem which stores the
attachment data as blob on remote filesystem, using MediaApiClient API. |
GsonJsonableFactory |
A JsonableFactory that uses Google Gson library.
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