Class | Description |
ConfluenceHibernateSchemaManagementTool |
A hibernate 5 (onwards) SchemaManagementTool implementation that:
- Suppresses unnecessary sql warning log messages
- Creates and drops the 'hibernate_unique_key' ResettableTableHiLoGenerator table
ConfluenceHibernateTransactionManager |
This class keeps track of transaction state and logs it in case of rollback.
ConfluenceLocalSessionFactoryBean |
A specialisation of Spring's
LocalSessionFactoryBean which adds
Confluence-specific functionality. |
DataAccessUtils |
Provides hibernate and database helper operations.
GenericEnumUserType |
This is a verbatim copy of the utility class from atlassian-hibernate5.2-extras, which should be removed if
and when Confluence updates it's atlassian-hibernate-extras dependency
HibernateContentQueryFactoryDefaults |
Provides default implementations for HibernateContentQueryFactory methods to aid deprecation of
the getQuery overload that depends on hibernate 2 interfaces.
HibernateEntityManagerProvider |
Provides access to the current hibernate Session object.
HibernateJvmVCacheRegionFactory |
Basically an
EhCacheRegionFactory but shares an instance of EhCache CacheManager with Atlassian CacheManager . |
HibernateUserType |
Base class for Hibernate UserType objects in Confluence.
ResettableTableHiLoGeneratorV5 |
An extension of the Hibernate2-era
ResettableTableHiLoGenerator that implements Hibernate5's IdentifierGenerator . |
VCacheHibernateRegionFactoryProvider |
An implementation of Confluence's
HibernateRegionFactoryProvider which delegates to HibernateJvmVCacheRegionFactory . |
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