public interface RemoteContentDraftService
implementation that communicates with Confluence remotely using the Confluence REST API.
Provides future returning equivalents for the methods in ContentDraftService.
@Deprecated com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promise<Content> publishNewDraft(Content content, Expansion... expansions)
publishNewDraftCompletionStage(Content, Expansion...)
- new content to be createdexpansions:
- An array list of properties to expand on the content.NotFoundException
- if the draft doesn't exist or the user doesn't have permission to view itPermissionException
- if the user does have permission to modify this draft@Deprecated com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promise<Content> publishEditDraft(Content content, ContentDraftService.ConflictPolicy conflictPolicy)
publishEditDraftCompletionStage(Content, ContentDraftService.ConflictPolicy)
- - page/blogpost contentconflictPolicy
- - the policy to apply on a conflict, either abort or automerge. No mergeable conflicts will still return a 409 even if policy is automergeNotFoundException
- if the draft doesn't existServiceException
- if the updated content is missed spacekey or type@Deprecated com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promise<Void> deleteDraft(ContentId contentId)
- - id of the page/blogpost contentCompletionStage<Content> publishNewDraftCompletionStage(Content content, Expansion... expansions)
- new content to be createdexpansions:
- An array list of properties to expand on the content.NotFoundException
- if the draft doesn't exist or the user doesn't have permission to view itPermissionException
- if the user does have permission to modify this draftCompletionStage<Content> publishEditDraftCompletionStage(Content content, ContentDraftService.ConflictPolicy conflictPolicy)
- - page/blogpost contentconflictPolicy
- - the policy to apply on a conflict, either abort or automerge. No mergeable conflicts will still return a 409 even if policy is automergeNotFoundException
- if the draft doesn't existServiceException
- if the updated content is missed spacekey or typeCompletionStage<Void> deleteDraftCompletionStage(ContentId contentId)
- - id of the page/blogpost contentCopyright © 2003–2020 Atlassian. All rights reserved.