public interface FuncTestRpcHandler
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
addExistingProfilePicture(String token,
String userName,
String fileName)
Attempts to add a existing profile picture to a user's profile.
boolean |
addGroupAnyCase(String token,
String groupname)
Allows addition of a group without enforcing that the name be all lower case.
int |
addLabelToLabelable(String token,
String labelName,
String labelableId,
String labelableType)
Adds a label to a labelable, because the public RPC API doesn't let you do it.
boolean |
addMailServer(String token,
String serverName,
String protocol,
String hostname,
int port,
String username,
String password,
String toAddress)
Add a POP server to poll for emails in a particular account.
boolean |
addSmtpServer(String token,
String name,
String from,
String subjectPrefix,
String hostname,
int port)
Add an SMTP mail server.
boolean |
addSmtpServer(String token,
String name,
String from,
String subjectPrefix,
String hostname,
int port,
String fromName) |
boolean |
addUserAnyCase(String token,
String username,
String email,
String fullname,
String password)
Allows addition of a user without enforcing that the username be all lower case.
boolean |
assertThatIndexQueueEntryHasBeenProcessed(String token,
String searchableClassname,
String searchableId) |
boolean |
changeAttachmentCreatedDate(String token,
String contentId,
String attachmentFileName,
Date createdDate)
Change the created date of an attachment
boolean |
changeBlogPostModificationDate(String token,
String blogId,
Date modificationDate)
Change the modification date of a blog post
boolean |
changeCommentCreatedDate(String token,
String commentId,
Date createdDate)
Change the created date of a comment
String |
changeLoggerLevel(String token,
String loggerName,
String level)
since 5.6. Use a FuncTestAdminLoggingResource REST call.
boolean |
changePageCreatedDate(String token,
String pageId,
Date createdDate)
Change the created date of a page
boolean |
changePageModificationDate(String token,
String pageId,
Date modificationDate)
Change the modification date of a page
boolean |
changeSpaceCreatedDate(String token,
String spaceKey,
Date createdDate)
Change the created date of a space
boolean |
clearCustomHtml(String token)
Clears the global custom html.
boolean |
clearEventListeners(String token)
Removes all temporary event listeners, regardless of their state.
boolean |
clearHibernateConnectionProviderLastExceptionTime(String token) |
boolean |
clearIndex(String token)
Blows away the main Confluence search index.
boolean |
clearQueue(String token,
String queueName)
Removes all items from the specified queue
boolean |
clearRecordedLogMessages(String token) |
Boolean |
clearSystemProperty(String token,
String name)
Unset a system property.
String |
convertMarkupToXhtml(String token,
String wikiMarkup,
String pageId)
Render a page as XHTML.
String |
convertXhtmlToMarkup(String token,
String xhtml,
String pageId)
Convert XHTML to WikiMarkup.
int |
countDrafts(String token,
String owner) |
Hashtable |
createDraft(String token,
Hashtable draft)
Creates a draft for the draft owner and draft type with the specified title and content.
boolean |
createJohnsonEvent(String token,
String message)
Creates a Johnson event inside Confluence.
Vector<Hashtable> |
createPagesFromPrototype(String token,
Hashtable pageStruct,
int count)
Creates a series of pages based on a prototype.
Vector<String> |
createSpaces(String token,
int count)
Creates a bunch of spaces.
String |
createTemplate(String token,
String templateName,
String content,
String spaceKey)
Create a new template.
String |
createTemplateWithStorageFormat(String token,
String templateName,
String storageFormat,
String spaceKey)
Create a new template from storage format code.
int |
createTestUsers(String token,
int count)
Create test users with usernames "testuser0", "testuser1", etc.
boolean |
createUserMacro(String token,
String name,
boolean hasBody,
String bodyType,
String outputType,
String template,
String title,
String description,
String category,
String iconUrl,
String documentationUrl,
boolean hidden)
Create a User Macro
boolean |
disablePlugin(String token,
String pluginKey)
since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.
boolean |
disablePluginModule(String tokdis,
String pluginKey,
String moduleKey)
since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.
boolean |
disablePluginWithoutPersisting(String token,
String pluginKey)
Disable a plugin without persisting.
boolean |
disableSiteFeature(String token,
String featureKey)
since 5.6. Use the REST resource.
boolean |
disableUserFeature(String token,
String featureKey)
since 5.6. Use the REST resource.
boolean |
disconnectGroup(String token,
String groupName)
Disconnect a group from Confluence.
boolean |
disconnectUser(String token,
String username)
Disconnect a user from Confluence.
boolean |
doesDraftExist(String token,
String contentId,
String owner,
String draftType,
String spaceKey)
Determines if a draft of the specified type and belonging to the specified owner exists.
boolean |
enableCaptcha(String token,
boolean enable)
Sets the captcha mode
boolean |
enableCaptchaDebugMode(String token,
boolean enable)
Sets the captcha mode into debug mode.
boolean |
enableDailyReportNotification(String token,
String userName,
boolean dailyReportEnabled)
Sets the Daily Report email for a user to enabled or disabled.
boolean |
enableElevatedSecurityCheck(String token,
boolean enabled) |
boolean |
enablePlugin(String token,
String pluginKey)
since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.
boolean |
enablePluginModule(String token,
String pluginKey,
String moduleKey)
since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.
boolean |
enablePublicSignUp(String token,
boolean enabled)
Sets the public sign up enabled status
boolean |
enableSiteFeature(String token,
String featureKey)
since 5.6. Use the REST resource.
boolean |
enableUserFeature(String token,
String featureKey)
since 5.6. Use the REST resource.
boolean |
enableWebSudo(String token,
boolean enabled)
Sets the web sudo enabled status
Vector<String> |
finishLoggingRequests(String token)
Finish logging http request and return any requests made.
boolean |
flushAllCaches(String token)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.
boolean |
followUser(String token,
String userName,
boolean followUser)
Follows or stops following a user.
Vector<Hashtable> |
getAliveThreads(String token) |
Hashtable<String,Object> |
getAllContentForAllLabels(String token,
int offset,
int maxResults,
String labelsString)
Returns current and trashed CEOs having all of the labels supplied in the string.
String |
getAnonyimizedClusterNodeIdentifier(String token) |
Object |
getApplicationConfigProperty(String token,
String propertyKey)
Returns a property of the global
ApplicationConfiguration instance. |
Object |
getBandanaValue(String token,
String space,
String key)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.
Integer |
getCacheMaximumNumberOfElements(String token,
String cacheName)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.
Hashtable |
getCacheStatistics(String token,
String cacheName)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.
Vector<String> |
getCacheStatisticsCapabilities(String token)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.
String |
getConfiguredThemeForSpace(String token,
String spaceKey)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.
Hashtable<String,Object> |
getContentForAllLabels(String token,
int offset,
int maxResults,
String labels)
Returns CEOs having all of the labels supplied in the string.
Hashtable<String,Object> |
getContentInSpacesForAllLabels(String token,
int offset,
int maxResults,
String spaceKeysString,
String labelsString)
Returns CEOs in the given spaces having all of the labels supplied in the string.
String |
getContentPropertiesString(String token,
String entityId,
String key)
Get the string value of a
ContentProperty associated with
a content entity given its id and the property name |
String |
getContentPropertiesStringForSpace(String token,
String spaceKey,
String key)
Get the string value of a
ContentProperty associated with
the SpaceDescription of the space |
String |
getContentProperty(String token,
String entityId,
String key)
Get the content property value for a content entity given its id and the property key
Vector |
getContentPropertyKeys(String token,
String entityId)
Get the content property keys for a content entity given its id
String |
getContentStringProperty(String token,
String entityId,
String key)
Get the content property string value (in OS_PROPERTYENTRY) for a content entity given its id and property key
String |
getContentTextProperty(String token,
String entityId,
String key)
Get the content property text value (in OS_PROPERTYENTRY) for a content entity given its id and property key
String |
getDatabaseStatistics(String token)
Return database statistics.
String |
getDateTimeFormat(String token)
Get current DateTime format
String |
getExportBuildNumber(String token)
Returns the backward-compatibility of an export
Hashtable<String,Object> |
getForLabels(String token,
String labelableType,
int offset,
int maxResults,
String labelsString)
Returns any kind of Labelable entities having all of the labels supplied in the string.
String |
getGlobalConfiguredTheme(String token)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.
String[] |
getGlobalPermissionsForGroup(String token,
String groupName)
Gets the global permissions that the given group has.
String |
getIdOfPagePermission(String token,
String contentId,
String permissionType,
String username) |
boolean |
getIgnoreBaseURLWarning(String token)
Whether the warning message for an un-advisable value for the Base URL is ignored or not.
String |
getLeastRecentTestAppenderLogMessage(String token,
String className) |
String |
getLocaleForUser(String token,
String username)
Gets the locale preference for the user.
String |
getLocalisedText(String token,
String messageKey)
Get the localised string for given the message key in the logged-in user's locale.
int |
getNumberOfActiveUsers(String token)
Returns the number of active users, i.e.
int |
getNumberOfIndexTasksInQueue(String token)
Returns the size of the index queue.
String |
getOldestSpaceImportAllowed(String token)
Returns the backwards-compatibility of a space import
String |
getPersonalInformationId(String token,
String username)
Gets the personal information id for a given username
String |
getPluginExportCompatibility(String token,
String pluginKey)
Returns the plugin compatibility matrix for exports
int |
getQueueSize(String token,
String queueName)
Returns the size of the task queue with the specified name.
Vector<String> |
getRecordedErrorLogMessages(String token) |
String |
getStackDump(String token,
String threadNameRegex) |
Hashtable<String,String> |
getSystemProperty(String token,
String name)
Retrieve the value of a system property.
Vector |
getUsersForActivity(String key)
Call getUsersForActivity on the heartbeatManager bean
int |
getVersionForPage(String token,
String pageId)
Get the version number for the page with pageId
boolean |
increaseHighValue(String token)
Put a number bigger than 65535 in Hibernate_unique_key table to force generated ids to be greater than max integer.
boolean |
isCurrentApplicationSet(String token)
Check whether or not the trustedApplicationManager has its currentApplication set.
boolean |
isImportTaskRunning(String token) |
boolean |
isPluginModuleEnabled(String token,
String pluginKey,
String moduleKey)
since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.
boolean |
isPluginUpgradeTasksComplete(String token)
Returns true if the plugin dependent upgrade tasks
boolean |
isSpringComponentPresent(String token,
String name)
Returns true if a Spring component with the given name exists in the application context.
boolean |
isUnlimitedUserLicense(String token) |
boolean |
logMessage(String token,
String destination,
String message)
since 5.6. Use a FuncTestAdminLoggingResource REST call.
boolean |
logTestMessageForClass(String token,
String className,
String message,
String level) |
boolean |
massCreateAttachments(String token,
String pageId,
String prefix,
String numAttachments)
Create a whole series of attachments on a single page.
boolean |
moveBlogPost(String token,
String blogPostId,
String targetSpaceKey) |
boolean |
pauseAllJobs(String token)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminSchedulerResource.
boolean |
pauseJob(String token,
String jobSpec)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminSchedulerResource.
boolean |
pauseJobGroup(String token,
String jobGroupName)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminSchedulerResource.
boolean |
putStringMappingInCache(String token,
String cacheName,
String key,
String value)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.
boolean |
registerEventListener(String token,
String eventClassName)
Registers a temporary event listener on the server to listen for the specified event.
boolean |
registerTestAppenderForClass(String token,
String className) |
boolean |
removeAllJohnsonEvents(String token)
Removes all Johnson events from Confluence
boolean |
removeAllSpaces(String token)
Kill all the spaces and flush all the queues and caches.
boolean |
removeAllTrustedApplications(String token)
Removes all trusted applications from the database.
boolean |
removeAttachmentUncleanly(String token,
String contentId,
String attachmentFileName)
Removes an attachment without cleaning up associated attachment info
boolean |
removeBandanaKey(String token,
String space,
String key)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.
boolean |
removeDrafts(String token,
String username)
Removes all drafts owned by the specified User.
boolean |
removeGroupUncleanly(String token,
String groupname)
Remove a Group without removing the things that refer to that group.
boolean |
removeMailServer(String token,
String serverName)
Remove the named mail server.
boolean |
removePersonalInformation(String token,
String username)
PersonalInformation gets created automatically by the standard create user methods.
boolean |
removeTestData(String token,
Vector<String> usersToKeep,
Vector<String> groupsToKeep,
Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> userGroupMemberships)
Big Kahuna remove method.
boolean |
removeTestDataAfterExternalUserManagement(String token)
Called at the start of tests for which User management is handled by an external server such as LDAP or Crowd.
int |
removeTestUsers(String token,
int count)
Removes test users with usernames "testuser0", "testuser1", etc.
boolean |
removeUserDirectory(String token,
String directoryId)
Removes user directory
boolean |
removeUserMacro(String token,
String name)
Remove a User Macro with the given name if it exists.
boolean |
removeUserUncleanly(String token,
String username)
Remove a User without removing the things that refer to that user.
boolean |
resetDatabaseStatistics(String token)
Reset database statistics.
boolean |
resetWelcomeMessage(String token) |
boolean |
restoreAbstractPage(String token,
String abstractPageId)
Restores an abstract page from the trash.
boolean |
resumeAllJobs(String token)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminSchedulerResource.
boolean |
resumeJob(String token,
String jobSpec)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminSchedulerResource.
boolean |
runGarbageCollection(String token) |
boolean |
saveDateFormat(String token,
String dateFormat) |
boolean |
saveDateTimeFormat(String token,
String dateTimeFormat) |
boolean |
setApplicationConfigProperty(String token,
String propertyKey,
String propertyValue)
Sets a property on the global
ApplicationConfiguration instance. |
boolean |
setBandanaKey(String token,
String space,
String key,
String value)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.
boolean |
setBandanaKeyBoolean(String token,
String space,
String key,
boolean value)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.
boolean |
setBandanaKeyInteger(String token,
String space,
String key,
int value)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.
boolean |
setBandanaStringList(String token,
String space,
String key,
Vector<String> value)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.
boolean |
setBandanaStringSet(String token,
String space,
String key,
Vector<String> value)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminBandanaResource.
boolean |
setBooleanUserPreference(String token,
String userName,
String preferenceKey,
String value)
Sets a boolean user preference.
boolean |
setCacheMaximumNumberOfElements(String token,
String cacheName,
int maxNumElements)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminCacheResource.
boolean |
setContentPropertiesString(String token,
String entityId,
String key,
String value)
Sets the string value of a
ContentProperty associated with
a content entity given its id and the property name |
boolean |
setContentPropertiesStringForSpace(String token,
String spaceKey,
String key,
String value)
Sets the string value of a
ContentProperty associated with
the SpaceDescription of the space |
boolean |
setContentStringProperty(String token,
String entityId,
String key,
String value)
Set the content property string value (in OS_PROPERTYENTRY) for a content entity given its id, property key and value
boolean |
setContentTextProperty(String token,
String entityId,
String key,
String value)
Sets a text content property for a content entity given its id
boolean |
setDirectoryPasswordEncoder(String token,
String directoryName,
String encoder)
Changes the password encoder for the given directory
boolean |
setDraftSaveInterval(String token,
int seconds)
Sets the given draft save interval.
boolean |
setEnableAnonymousRpc(String token,
String value)
Toggle the setting to allow/deny anonymous RPC calls.
boolean |
setGlobalLanguage(String token,
String language)
Changes to the default site language
boolean |
setGlobalTheme(String token,
String themeKey)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.
boolean |
setHibernateConnectionProviderLastExceptionTime(String token,
String timeStr) |
boolean |
setIgnoreBaseURLWarning(String token,
boolean value)
Affects whether the warning message for an un-advisable value for the Base URL is ignored or not.
boolean |
setIndexingLanguage(String token,
String language)
Changes the indexing language
boolean |
setKeyboardShortcutPref(String token,
String username,
String enabled)
Enables/Disables keyboard shortcuts for the given uesr
boolean |
setLocaleForUser(String token,
String username,
String locale)
Sets the locale preference for the user to the given named locale.
boolean |
setNetworkNotificationForUser(String token,
String userName,
boolean watchNetwork)
Sets Network watch emails for a user to enabled or disabled.
boolean |
setSiteBlogNotificationForUser(String token,
String userName,
boolean globalBlogWatchForUser)
Sets Site Blog watch emails for a user to enabled or disabled.
boolean |
setSmtpServer(String token,
String name,
String from,
String subjectPrefix,
String hostname,
int port)
Remove all existing SMTP servers and add the given server.
boolean |
setSmtpServer(String token,
String name,
String from,
String subjectPrefix,
String hostname,
int port,
String fromName)
Remove all existing SMTP servers and add the given server.
boolean |
setStringUserPreference(String token,
String userName,
String preferenceKey,
String value)
Sets a string user preference.
Boolean |
setSystemProperty(String token,
String name,
String value)
Set a system property on the server to the supplied value.
boolean |
setThemeForSpace(String token,
String spaceKey,
String themeKey)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminThemeResource.
boolean |
setUserDetailProperty(String token,
String username,
String propertyKey,
String propertyValue)
Sets a single UserDetails property through the UserDetailsManager.
boolean |
setUserDetails(String token,
String username,
String fullName,
String email)
Sets the fullname and email address of a user with a given username.
boolean |
setUserFollows(String token,
String followingUsername,
Hashtable followUsers)
Change the follow or unfollow state between a follower user and s a set of folowees users
boolean |
setWatchOwnContentPref(String token,
String username,
String enabled)
Enables/Disables autowatching for the given uesr
boolean |
setWatchSpace(String token,
String username,
String spaceKey,
String contentType,
String enabled)
Enables/Disables watching a space for the given user and content type.
boolean |
setWatchSpaces(String token,
String username,
String contentTypeStr,
Hashtable spaces)
Enables/Disables watching spaces for the given user and content type.
boolean |
setWebSudoTimeout(String token,
int timeoutMinutes)
Sets the web sudo timeout in minutes
boolean |
setWelcomeMessage(String token,
String welcomeMessage) |
boolean |
shutdownScheduler(String token)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminSchedulerResource.
boolean |
startActivity(String token,
String key,
String user)
Call startActivity on the heartbeat manager bean
boolean |
startLoggingRequests(String token)
Start logging http request urls.
boolean |
stopActivity(String token,
String key,
String user)
Call stopActivity on the heartbeatManager bean
Hashtable |
storeXhtmlPage(String token,
Hashtable pageStruct)
The Confluence remote API store page performs wiki to XHTML conversion on the page content.
boolean |
synchroniseUserDirectories(String token)
Synchronizes all remote user directories with the local database cache
boolean |
triggerJob(String token,
String jobSpec,
boolean pauseBackgroundJobs)
since 5.6. Use FuncTestAdminSchedulerResource.
boolean |
uninstallPlugin(String token,
String pluginKey)
since 5.6. Use PluginsRpc in test client code.
boolean |
unregisterEventListener(String token,
String eventClassName)
Unregisters the temporary listener registered for the specified event.
boolean |
unregisterTestAppenderForClass(String token,
String className) |
Hashtable |
updateDraft(String token,
Hashtable draft)
Updates a draft located using the draft owner and draft type.
boolean |
updateGlobalSettingBoolean(String token,
String name,
boolean value)
Update a
Settings boolean field. |
String |
updateGlobalSettingString(String token,
String name,
String value)
Update a
Settings String field. |
boolean |
waitForEvent(String token,
String eventClassName,
String timeout,
String timeUnit)
Waits for an event to occur and returns when it has finished.
boolean |
waitForEventQueue(String token,
String timeoutStr,
String timeUnitStr)
Waits for all events in queue to be processed.
@Deprecated boolean logMessage(String token, String destination, String message) throws RemoteException
Only administrators can log messages.
The destination of the message has the following valid values:
- The token idenfitying the user.destination
- The destination of the message to be loggedmessage
- The text message to be logged to the consoleRemoteException
@Deprecated String changeLoggerLevel(String token, String loggerName, String level) throws RemoteException
The level parameter can be one of:
- the token identifying the user.loggerName
- the full name of the logger e.g. com.atlassian.confluence.test.rpc.FuncTestRpcHandlerlevel
- the level to change the logger toRemoteException
boolean removeTestData(String token, Vector<String> usersToKeep, Vector<String> groupsToKeep, Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> userGroupMemberships) throws RemoteException
- the token identifying the user.usersToKeep
- users like admin and sysadmin that should not be removedgroupsToKeep
- groups like admins and users that should not be removeduserGroupMemberships
- a map where the keys are group names and the values are lists of usernames in the groupNotPermittedException
boolean removeTestDataAfterExternalUserManagement(String token) throws Exception
All remove/create User calls can be made to that server in one batch, and then the Confluence instance data can be cleaned up. Generally this will take part in three stages:
1. Clean up requiring the 'old' users, groups and memberships to exist (e.g. personal spaces, permissions) 2. Sync with the external server, which will reset the user, groups and memberships 3. Perform any other clean-up required, from removing spaces to flushing caches.
see ServerStateManager.removeTestData()
boolean removeAllSpaces(String token) throws RemoteException
String createTemplate(String token, String templateName, String content, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException, XhtmlException
String createTemplateWithStorageFormat(String token, String templateName, String storageFormat, String spaceKey) throws RemoteException, XhtmlException
String[] getGlobalPermissionsForGroup(String token, String groupName) throws RemoteException
boolean disconnectUser(String token, String username) throws RemoteException
boolean disconnectGroup(String token, String groupName) throws RemoteException
boolean isCurrentApplicationSet(String token) throws NotPermittedException
boolean removeAllTrustedApplications(String token) throws Exception
boolean massCreateAttachments(String token, String pageId, String prefix, String numAttachments) throws Exception
@Deprecated String getGlobalConfiguredTheme(String token) throws Exception
@Deprecated String getConfiguredThemeForSpace(String token, String spaceKey) throws Exception
@Deprecated boolean setGlobalTheme(String token, String themeKey) throws Exception
- - the complete theme keyException
@Deprecated boolean setThemeForSpace(String token, String spaceKey, String themeKey) throws Exception
- - the key of the space to changethemeKey
- - the complete theme keyException
boolean clearCustomHtml(String token) throws Exception
@Deprecated boolean uninstallPlugin(String token, String pluginKey) throws NotPermittedException
@Deprecated boolean disablePlugin(String token, String pluginKey) throws NotPermittedException
boolean disablePluginWithoutPersisting(String token, String pluginKey) throws NotPermittedException
@Deprecated boolean enablePlugin(String token, String pluginKey) throws NotPermittedException
@Deprecated boolean enablePluginModule(String token, String pluginKey, String moduleKey) throws NotPermittedException
- the key of the pluginmoduleKey
- the key of the moduleNotPermittedException
@Deprecated boolean disablePluginModule(String tokdis, String pluginKey, String moduleKey) throws NotPermittedException
- the key of the pluginmoduleKey
- the key of the moduleNotPermittedException
@Deprecated boolean isPluginModuleEnabled(String token, String pluginKey, String moduleKey) throws NotPermittedException
- the key of the pluginmoduleKey
- the key of the module excluding the plugin keyNotPermittedException
boolean isSpringComponentPresent(String token, String name)
boolean isPluginUpgradeTasksComplete(String token)
@Deprecated boolean pauseAllJobs(String token) throws Exception
@Deprecated boolean resumeAllJobs(String token) throws Exception
@Deprecated boolean pauseJobGroup(String token, String jobGroupName) throws Exception
@Deprecated boolean pauseJob(String token, String jobSpec) throws Exception
@Deprecated boolean resumeJob(String token, String jobSpec) throws Exception
@Deprecated boolean triggerJob(String token, String jobSpec, boolean pauseBackgroundJobs) throws Exception
boolean waitForEvent(String token, String eventClassName, String timeout, String timeUnit) throws Exception
- the fully qualified classname of the event to wait for.timeout
- number of milliseconds to wait for the event before giving up completely.timeUnit
- See
boolean waitForEventQueue(String token, String timeoutStr, String timeUnitStr) throws Exception
@Deprecated boolean shutdownScheduler(String token) throws Exception
@Deprecated boolean removeBandanaKey(String token, String space, String key)
@Deprecated boolean setBandanaStringSet(String token, String space, String key, Vector<String> value)
@Deprecated boolean setBandanaStringList(String token, String space, String key, Vector<String> value)
@Deprecated boolean setBandanaKey(String token, String space, String key, String value)
@Deprecated boolean setBandanaKeyBoolean(String token, String space, String key, boolean value)
@Deprecated boolean setBandanaKeyInteger(String token, String space, String key, int value)
@Deprecated Object getBandanaValue(String token, String space, String key)
Vector getContentPropertyKeys(String token, String entityId)
String getContentProperty(String token, String entityId, String key)
String getContentTextProperty(String token, String entityId, String key)
- entityId
- the ID of the content object this property is stored againstkey
- the entity key of the property being storedString getContentStringProperty(String token, String entityId, String key)
- entityId
- the ID of the content object this property is stored againstkey
- the entity key of the property being storedString getContentPropertiesString(String token, String entityId, String key)
associated with
a content entity given its id and the property nameString getContentPropertiesStringForSpace(String token, String spaceKey, String key)
associated with
the SpaceDescription
of the spaceboolean setContentTextProperty(String token, String entityId, String key, String value)
boolean setContentStringProperty(String token, String entityId, String key, String value)
- entityId
- the ID of the content object this property is stored againstkey
- the entity key of the property being storedvalue
- the string value of the property to setboolean setContentPropertiesString(String token, String entityId, String key, String value)
associated with
a content entity given its id and the property nameboolean setContentPropertiesStringForSpace(String token, String spaceKey, String key, String value)
associated with
the SpaceDescription
of the spaceString getPersonalInformationId(String token, String username)
boolean removePersonalInformation(String token, String username) throws NotPermittedException
- user whose personalInformation will be removedNotPermittedException
String getLocaleForUser(String token, String username)
boolean setLocaleForUser(String token, String username, String locale) throws RemoteException
boolean setGlobalLanguage(String token, String language) throws RemoteException
boolean setIndexingLanguage(String token, String language) throws RemoteException
boolean setKeyboardShortcutPref(String token, String username, String enabled) throws RemoteException
boolean setWatchOwnContentPref(String token, String username, String enabled) throws RemoteException
boolean setWatchSpaces(String token, String username, String contentTypeStr, Hashtable spaces) throws RemoteException
boolean setWatchSpace(String token, String username, String spaceKey, String contentType, String enabled) throws RemoteException
boolean setUserDetails(String token, String username, String fullName, String email) throws RemoteException
- if the user was not found.boolean setUserDetailProperty(String token, String username, String propertyKey, String propertyValue)
- if the user was not found.@Deprecated boolean putStringMappingInCache(String token, String cacheName, String key, String value) throws Exception
@Deprecated Hashtable getCacheStatistics(String token, String cacheName) throws Exception
- the key of the cache, rather than the "niceName"Exception
@Deprecated Integer getCacheMaximumNumberOfElements(String token, String cacheName) throws Exception
- the key of the cache, rather than the "niceName"Exception
@Deprecated boolean setCacheMaximumNumberOfElements(String token, String cacheName, int maxNumElements) throws Exception
- the key of the cache, rather than the "niceName"Exception
@Deprecated Vector<String> getCacheStatisticsCapabilities(String token) throws NotPermittedException
@Deprecated boolean flushAllCaches(String token) throws Exception
boolean enableWebSudo(String token, boolean enabled) throws Exception
boolean setWebSudoTimeout(String token, int timeoutMinutes) throws Exception
boolean enableElevatedSecurityCheck(String token, boolean enabled) throws Exception
boolean enablePublicSignUp(String token, boolean enabled) throws Exception
boolean startActivity(String token, String key, String user) throws Exception
- rpc authentication tokenkey
- the activity key to startuser
- the username of the user starting the activityException
boolean stopActivity(String token, String key, String user) throws Exception
- rpc authentication tokenkey
- the activity key to stopuser
- the username of the user stopping the activityException
Vector getUsersForActivity(String key) throws Exception
boolean removeUserUncleanly(String token, String username) throws Exception
boolean removeGroupUncleanly(String token, String groupname) throws Exception
boolean doesDraftExist(String token, String contentId, String owner, String draftType, String spaceKey)
- rpc authentication tokencontentId
- id of the content this draft is for ('0' for new content)owner
- owner/author of the draftdraftType
- type of content this draft is forspaceKey
- space key, to allow new drafts in multiple spacesHashtable createDraft(String token, Hashtable draft)
- rpc authentication tokendraft
- the draft object to create
- the username of owner/author of the draft. Set to null for anonymous users.
- type of content the draft is for i.e. BlogPost.getType()
or Page.getType()
- title of the draft.
- content of the draft as a String
in Confluence XML storage format.
- page that the draft is associated with.
- if no there is no page, the space that the draft is written
.Hashtable updateDraft(String token, Hashtable draft)
- rpc authentication tokendraft
- the draft object to create see #createDraft(java.lang.String, java.util.Hashtable)boolean removeDrafts(String token, String username)
- rpc authentication tokenusername
- user to remove drafts forboolean setDraftSaveInterval(String token, int seconds)
- rpc authentication tokenseconds
- number of seconds for which the draft save interval should beboolean clearQueue(String token, String queueName)
int getQueueSize(String token, String queueName)
int getNumberOfIndexTasksInQueue(String token)
- boolean removeMailServer(String token, String serverName) throws Exception
- the rpc authentication tokenserverName
- the name of the server to be removed.Exception
String getLeastRecentTestAppenderLogMessage(String token, String className)
boolean unregisterTestAppenderForClass(String token, String className)
boolean logTestMessageForClass(String token, String className, String message, String level)
String getLocalisedText(String token, String messageKey)
- the rpc authentication tokenmessageKey
- the i18n message keyboolean addUserAnyCase(String token, String username, String email, String fullname, String password) throws RemoteException
- if you do not have permissions to add the user.RemoteException
boolean addGroupAnyCase(String token, String groupname) throws RemoteException
- the name of the group to addRemoteException
boolean changeSpaceCreatedDate(String token, String spaceKey, Date createdDate) throws RemoteException
- the space key of the space to change the created dateRemoteException
boolean changeCommentCreatedDate(String token, String commentId, Date createdDate) throws RemoteException
boolean changePageCreatedDate(String token, String pageId, Date createdDate) throws RemoteException
- the page id of the page to change the created dateRemoteException
boolean removeAttachmentUncleanly(String token, String contentId, String attachmentFileName) throws RemoteException
- the authenticationcontentId
- the content that the attachment is attached toattachmentFileName
- the attachmentRemoteException
boolean changeAttachmentCreatedDate(String token, String contentId, String attachmentFileName, Date createdDate) throws RemoteException
- the id of the page or blogpost the attachment is attached toattachmentFileName
- the attachment file name of the attachment to change the created dateRemoteException
boolean changeBlogPostModificationDate(String token, String blogId, Date modificationDate) throws RemoteException
- the id of the blog to modifymodificationDate
- the last modification date to be set.RemoteException
boolean changePageModificationDate(String token, String pageId, Date modificationDate) throws RemoteException
- the page id of the page to change the modification datemodificationDate
- the last modification date to be set.RemoteException
int getVersionForPage(String token, String pageId) throws RemoteException
boolean addSmtpServer(String token, String name, String from, String subjectPrefix, String hostname, int port, String fromName)
boolean addSmtpServer(String token, String name, String from, String subjectPrefix, String hostname, int port)
boolean setSmtpServer(String token, String name, String from, String subjectPrefix, String hostname, int port)
boolean setSmtpServer(String token, String name, String from, String subjectPrefix, String hostname, int port, String fromName)
boolean addMailServer(String token, String serverName, String protocol, String hostname, int port, String username, String password, String toAddress)
String convertMarkupToXhtml(String token, String wikiMarkup, String pageId)
String convertXhtmlToMarkup(String token, String xhtml, String pageId)
boolean createJohnsonEvent(String token, String message)
- the description of the event to createboolean removeAllJohnsonEvents(String token)
boolean enableCaptcha(String token, boolean enable)
boolean enableCaptchaDebugMode(String token, boolean enable)
.Hashtable<String,String> getSystemProperty(String token, String name)
- the name of the propertyBoolean setSystemProperty(String token, String name, String value)
- the name of the propertyvalue
- the value of the propertyBoolean clearSystemProperty(String token, String name)
- the name of the propertyboolean clearIndex(String token)
boolean restoreAbstractPage(String token, String abstractPageId)
String getIdOfPagePermission(String token, String contentId, String permissionType, String username)
int createTestUsers(String token, int count)
int removeTestUsers(String token, int count)
boolean createUserMacro(String token, String name, boolean hasBody, String bodyType, String outputType, String template, String title, String description, String category, String iconUrl, String documentationUrl, boolean hidden) throws NotPermittedException
- how the body should be treated. "raw"
, "escapehtml"
, or "rendered"
. May
be null only if hasBody
is false.outputType
- whether the macro is expected to return html or wiki markup. "html"
or "wiki"
- the velocity rendered by the macrotitle
- the title of the macro that appears in the Macro Browserdescription
- the description of the macro that appears in the Macro Browsercategory
- the category the macro should be listed under in the Macro BrowsericonUrl
- the URL of the macro icon that appears in the Macro BrowserdocumentationUrl
- the URL of the macro documentationhidden
- true if the Macro should not be searchable in the Macro BrowserRuntimeException
- if the macro already existsNotPermittedException
boolean removeUserMacro(String token, String name) throws NotPermittedException
boolean registerEventListener(String token, String eventClassName) throws Exception
unregisterEventListener(String, String)
in a finally clause to
ensure the temporary listener is cleaned up.
Once the listener is registered, clients can use waitForEvent(String, String, String, String)
to block until the event
is published.
boolean unregisterEventListener(String token, String eventClassName) throws Exception
boolean clearEventListeners(String token) throws Exception
boolean setApplicationConfigProperty(String token, String propertyKey, String propertyValue)
instance.Object getApplicationConfigProperty(String token, String propertyKey)
- propertyKey
boolean setUserFollows(String token, String followingUsername, Hashtable followUsers) throws RemoteException
- The username of the user that is doing the followingfollowUsers
- A map of usernames to bbe followed/unfollowed, and a boolean indicating the desired follow statusRemoteException
boolean followUser(String token, String userName, boolean followUser) throws RemoteException
- true to follow a user, false to stop followingRemoteException
Hashtable storeXhtmlPage(String token, Hashtable pageStruct) throws RemoteException
- pageStruct
- RemoteException
boolean synchroniseUserDirectories(String token) throws Exception
boolean setDirectoryPasswordEncoder(String token, String directoryName, String encoder) throws Exception
boolean removeUserDirectory(String token, String directoryId) throws Exception
- the id of the directoryException
boolean addExistingProfilePicture(String token, String userName, String fileName) throws Exception
- the user name of the profilefileName
- file name of the pictureException
boolean setBooleanUserPreference(String token, String userName, String preferenceKey, String value) throws RemoteException
- the user name to set the preference forpreferenceKey
- the key of the preference to setvalue
- the string "true" or "false" to set as the preferenceRemoteException
boolean setStringUserPreference(String token, String userName, String preferenceKey, String value) throws RemoteException
- the user name to set the preference forpreferenceKey
- the key of the preference to setvalue
- a string to set as the preferenceRemoteException
boolean enableDailyReportNotification(String token, String userName, boolean dailyReportEnabled)
- the user name to set the report state fordailyReportEnabled
- true if the daily report should be sent, false if notboolean setNetworkNotificationForUser(String token, String userName, boolean watchNetwork)
- the user name to set the watch state forwatchNetwork
- true if the user should watch their network, false if notboolean setSiteBlogNotificationForUser(String token, String userName, boolean globalBlogWatchForUser)
- the user name to set the watch state forglobalBlogWatchForUser
- true if the user should watch all blogs on the site network, false if notboolean getIgnoreBaseURLWarning(String token)
boolean setIgnoreBaseURLWarning(String token, boolean value) throws RemoteException
- set to true to ignore the warning.RemoteException
@Deprecated boolean enableUserFeature(String token, String featureKey) throws RemoteException
- - the key of the feature to enableRemoteException
@Deprecated boolean disableUserFeature(String token, String featureKey) throws RemoteException
- - the key of the feature to disableRemoteException
@Deprecated boolean enableSiteFeature(String token, String featureKey) throws RemoteException
- - the key of the feature to enableRemoteException
@Deprecated boolean disableSiteFeature(String token, String featureKey) throws RemoteException
- - the key of the feature to disableRemoteException
boolean resetWelcomeMessage(String token)
Vector<Hashtable> createPagesFromPrototype(String token, Hashtable pageStruct, int count) throws RemoteException
e.g. if the page title passed is "Hey Ho", the created pages will be "Hey Ho 1", "Hey Ho 2" and so on.
- a template page to create multiple pages fromcount
- the number of pages to create - pages created are 1-indexedRemoteException
boolean updateGlobalSettingBoolean(String token, String name, boolean value) throws RemoteException
boolean field.token
- name
- name of the field used to store the setting (see field names inside Settings
- RemoteException
String updateGlobalSettingString(String token, String name, String value) throws RemoteException
- name of the field used to store the setting (see field names inside Settings
- the String
value the field should takeRemoteException
Vector<String> createSpaces(String token, int count) throws RemoteException
- the number to createRemoteException
- if you are not awesome enough to use this methodint getNumberOfActiveUsers(String token) throws RemoteException
String getExportBuildNumber(String token)
- the authenticationString getOldestSpaceImportAllowed(String token)
- the authenticationString getPluginExportCompatibility(String token, String pluginKey)
- the authenticationpluginKey
- the plugin keyboolean isUnlimitedUserLicense(String token) throws RemoteException
Vector<Hashtable> getAliveThreads(String token) throws RemoteException
String getStackDump(String token, String threadNameRegex) throws RemoteException
boolean setEnableAnonymousRpc(String token, String value) throws RemoteException
Hashtable<String,Object> getContentForAllLabels(String token, int offset, int maxResults, String labels)
Hashtable<String,Object> getContentInSpacesForAllLabels(String token, int offset, int maxResults, String spaceKeysString, String labelsString)
Hashtable<String,Object> getAllContentForAllLabels(String token, int offset, int maxResults, String labelsString)
Hashtable<String,Object> getForLabels(String token, String labelableType, int offset, int maxResults, String labelsString)
int addLabelToLabelable(String token, String labelName, String labelableId, String labelableType)
boolean startLoggingRequests(String token)
Call finishLoggingRequests(String)
to stop logging and to retrieve results.
Vector<String> finishLoggingRequests(String token)
Logging must have been previously started using startLoggingRequests(String)
boolean resetDatabaseStatistics(String token)
Call getDatabaseStatistics(String)
to get results since the last reset.
String getDatabaseStatistics(String token)
Statistics since the last call to resetDatabaseStatistics(String)
are returned.
boolean runGarbageCollection(String token)
boolean isImportTaskRunning(String token)
boolean assertThatIndexQueueEntryHasBeenProcessed(String token, String searchableClassname, String searchableId) throws RemoteException
boolean increaseHighValue(String token)
- the rpc authentication tokenboolean clearRecordedLogMessages(String token)
boolean setHibernateConnectionProviderLastExceptionTime(String token, String timeStr)
boolean clearHibernateConnectionProviderLastExceptionTime(String token)
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