Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PageContext |
NastyUtilitiesWhichWillBeMadeRedundant.extractPageContext(ConversionContext context)
Since 4.1. Use
ConversionContext.getPageContext() . |
PageContext |
DefaultConversionContext.getPageContext() |
PageContext |
since 7.5.0, use
ConversionContext.getRenderContext() instead. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ResourceIdentifier |
ConfluenceContentMacroParameterParser.parse(String linkText,
PageContext pageContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Attachment |
EmbeddedResourceResolver.resolve(com.atlassian.renderer.embedded.EmbeddedResource embeddedResource,
PageContext pageContext) |
Attachment |
DefaultEmbeddedResourceResolver.resolve(com.atlassian.renderer.embedded.EmbeddedResource embeddedResource,
PageContext pageContext) |
Link |
XhtmlMigrationLinkResolver.resolve(String linkText,
PageContext pageContext)
Resolves an xhtml link from the specified link text.
Link |
LinkResolver.resolve(String linkText,
PageContext pageContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
InlineStyleHelper.render(String content,
PageContext pageContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PageContext |
ContentEntitySimulacrum.createContextForTemplateView(Space space,
String title,
String content)
PageContext |
When the content is rendered, what context is it being rendered in?
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageContext |
DashboardAction.getPageContext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ExportLinkFormatter.format(com.atlassian.renderer.links.Link link,
PageContext context)
Formats the link to link to the exported content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
HtmlExportLinkFormatter.format(com.atlassian.renderer.links.Link link,
PageContext context) |
Constructor and Description |
LinkExtractor(com.atlassian.renderer.links.LinkResolver linkResolver,
PageContext pageContext) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
AbstractPageLink.generateAnchor(PageContext context,
String anchor)
This method generates a HTML encoded anchor
static String |
AbstractPageLink.generateUnencodedAnchor(PageContext context,
String anchor)
Generates a valid HTML5 anchor with a prefix added to the anchor name.
static String |
AbstractPageLink.generateUniqueAnchor(PageContext context,
String anchor)
Similar in most respects to
AbstractPageLink.generateAnchor(com.atlassian.confluence.renderer.PageContext, String) . |
String |
AbstractPageLink.getAnchor(PageContext pageContext) |
protected abstract boolean |
AbstractPageLink.isOnSamePage(PageContext pageContext) |
protected boolean |
BlogPostLink.isOnSamePage(PageContext pageContext) |
boolean |
PageLink.isOnSamePage(PageContext pageContext) |
protected boolean |
PageCreateLink.isOnSamePage(PageContext pageContext) |
static PageLink |
PageLink.makeTestLink(String linkText,
PageContext context)
Factory for making a link that can be used in tests
protected void |
AbstractPageLink.setUrlAndTitle(PageContext pageContext) |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractPageLink(com.atlassian.renderer.links.GenericLinkParser parser,
PageContext context) |
BlogPostLink(com.atlassian.renderer.links.GenericLinkParser parser,
PageContext context,
PageManager pageManager) |
PageCreateLink(com.atlassian.renderer.links.GenericLinkParser parser,
PageContext context) |
PageLink(com.atlassian.renderer.links.GenericLinkParser parser,
PageContext pageContext,
PageManager pageManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageContext |
Returns the
PageContext of the macro. |
Constructor and Description |
MacroExecutionContext(Map<String,String> params,
String body,
PageContext pageContext)
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
PageTemplateContext |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PageContext |
PageContext.contextWithTimeout(ContentEntityObject entity,
com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Timeout timeout)
since 7.0.1. Use
newContextWithTimeout(ContentEntityObject, Timeout) |
PageContext |
PageContext.getOriginalContext() |
static PageContext |
WikiRendererContextKeys.getPageContext(Map contextParams)
Helper method to save a bunch of verbosity and casting
static PageContext |
PageContext.newContextWithTimeout(ContentEntityObject entity,
io.atlassian.util.concurrent.Timeout timeout)
Construct a new PageContext for the rendering of some entity within a given time.
Constructor and Description |
PageContext(ContentEntityObject entity,
PageContext previousContext)
since 4.3. The ability to have an original context is likely to be removed in a future version
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Attachment |
EmbeddedResourceUtils.resolveAttachment(PageContext context,
com.atlassian.renderer.embedded.EmbeddedResource resource) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
UrlFilter.handleUrlLink(com.atlassian.renderer.links.Link link,
PageContext pageContext,
String url,
StringBuffer buffer,
org.radeox.api.engine.RenderEngine engine) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected PageContext |
AbstractHtmlGeneratingMacro.getPageContext(org.radeox.macro.parameter.MacroParameter macroParameter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static @Nullable String |
ConfluenceRenderUtils.getAttachmentsRemotePath(@Nullable PageContext context)
Returns the remote path to files attached to the contextual page.
String |
ContentMacrosHelper.getExcerpt(ContentEntityObject content,
PageContext pageContext) |
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