public class EditContentBean extends Object
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
EditContentBean.CreateByUrlBuilder |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
EditContentBean(String formId,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static EditContentBean |
addComment() |
static EditContentBean |
addComment(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
ViewContentBean |
cancel() |
static EditContentBean |
createBlogPost(String spaceKey)
since 5.9.0 use
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester) instead. |
static EditContentBean |
createBlogPost(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
since 5.9.0 use
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester) instead. |
static EditContentBean.CreateByUrlBuilder |
createByUrlBuilder(Space space,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
static EditContentBean |
createChildPage(String spaceKey,
String parentPageTitle)
Returns a page creation bean by going directly to the URL of a page, then clicking on the
'Add Page' link on the page.
static EditContentBean |
createChildPage(String spaceKey,
String parentPageTitle,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
static EditContentBean |
createPage(Space space)
since 5.9.0 use
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester) instead. |
static EditContentBean |
createPage(String spaceKey)
since 5.9.0 use
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester) instead. |
static EditContentBean |
createPage(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
since 5.9.0 use
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester) instead. |
static EditContentBean |
editBlogPost() |
static EditContentBean |
editBlogPost(BlogPost blogPost) |
static EditContentBean |
editBlogPost(BlogPost blogPost,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
static EditContentBean |
editBlogPost(long blogPostId) |
static EditContentBean |
editBlogPost(long blogPostId,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
static EditContentBean |
editBlogPost(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
static EditContentBean |
editComment(String commentId) |
static EditContentBean |
editComment(String commentId,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
static EditContentBean |
editDraftWithExtraParameters(long draftId,
String spaceKey,
String extraParams) |
static EditContentBean |
Returns a page edit bean from the current location of the web tester, by clicking on the 'Edit'
link on the page.
static EditContentBean |
editPage(Page page) |
static EditContentBean |
editPage(Page page,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
static EditContentBean |
editPage(String spaceKey,
String pageTitle)
Returns a page edit bean of the passed space and page title, by going direct to a constructed URL.
static EditContentBean |
editPage(String spaceKey,
String pageTitle,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
static EditContentBean |
editPage(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
String |
getContent() |
long |
getDraftId() |
static String |
getEditBlogPostUrl(String id) |
static String |
getEditPageTitle(String pageTitle) |
static String |
getEditPageUrl(String spaceKey,
String pageTitle) |
String |
Retrieve the first action error if it exists or else fail.
String |
getOriginalQueryString() |
long |
getPageId() |
String |
getParentPageTitle() |
boolean |
isNotifyWatchersChecked() |
boolean |
isRestrictionsButtonPresent() |
boolean |
isWatchPageCheckboxChecked() |
boolean |
isWatchPageCheckboxVisible() |
static EditContentBean |
replyToComment(String commentId) |
static EditContentBean |
replyToComment(String commentId,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
static EditContentBean |
resumeDraft(long draftId) |
static EditContentBean |
resumeDraft(long draftId,
net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester) |
ViewContentBean |
save() |
ViewContentBean |
saveMergeContent() |
void |
setCaptchaField(String captchaResponse) |
EditContentBean |
setComment(String comment)
Set the version comment for this change.
EditContentBean |
setContent(String content) |
EditContentBean |
setLocation(Space space)
Sets the location to a new space, in the top root level.
EditContentBean |
setMoveHierarchy(boolean movePageHierarchy)
Note that this currently gets set by default whenever a page location is set in the UI.
EditContentBean |
setNewSpaceKey(String spaceKey) |
EditContentBean |
setNotifyWatchers(boolean check) |
EditContentBean |
setParentPageString(String parentPageString) |
EditContentBean |
setPosition(String position) |
EditContentBean |
setPostingDay(String postingDay) |
EditContentBean |
setPostingTime(String postingTime) |
EditContentBean |
setTargetId(String targetId) |
EditContentBean |
setTitle(String title) |
void |
setWatchPage(boolean watchPage)
Set the watch page checkbox (currently on the comment form only).
public static final String CREATE_PAGE_TITLE_TEXT
public static final String CREATE_BLOGPOST_TITLE_TEXT
public static final String CREATE_BUTTON_LINK_ID
public static final String EDIT_PAGE_LINK_ID
public static final String CREATE_PAGE_FORM_ID
public static final String EDIT_PAGE_FORM_ID
protected EditContentBean(String formId, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
@Deprecated public static EditContentBean createPage(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester)
instead.@Deprecated public static EditContentBean createPage(String spaceKey)
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester)
instead.@Deprecated public static EditContentBean createPage(Space space)
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester)
instead.public static EditContentBean.CreateByUrlBuilder createByUrlBuilder(Space space, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean createChildPage(String spaceKey, String parentPageTitle)
public static EditContentBean createChildPage(String spaceKey, String parentPageTitle, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean createBlogPost(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester)
instead.public static EditContentBean createBlogPost(String spaceKey)
createByUrlBuilder(Space, WebTester)
instead.public static EditContentBean editPage()
Usually, you'll invoke this via ViewContentBean.edit()
public static EditContentBean editPage(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean editBlogPost()
public static EditContentBean editBlogPost(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean editBlogPost(long blogPostId)
public static EditContentBean editBlogPost(long blogPostId, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean editBlogPost(BlogPost blogPost)
public static EditContentBean editBlogPost(BlogPost blogPost, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean resumeDraft(long draftId)
public static EditContentBean resumeDraft(long draftId, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean editDraftWithExtraParameters(long draftId, String spaceKey, String extraParams)
public static EditContentBean editPage(String spaceKey, String pageTitle)
public static EditContentBean editPage(String spaceKey, String pageTitle, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean editPage(Page page)
public static EditContentBean editPage(Page page, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean addComment()
public static EditContentBean addComment(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean replyToComment(String commentId)
public static EditContentBean replyToComment(String commentId, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public static EditContentBean editComment(String commentId)
public static EditContentBean editComment(String commentId, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester)
public long getDraftId()
public long getPageId()
public String getFirstActionError()
- if there is no action errors existpublic EditContentBean setTitle(String title)
public EditContentBean setContent(String content)
public String getContent()
public String getParentPageTitle()
public String getOriginalQueryString()
public EditContentBean setComment(String comment)
public EditContentBean setLocation(Space space)
public EditContentBean setNewSpaceKey(String spaceKey)
public EditContentBean setPosition(String position)
public EditContentBean setMoveHierarchy(boolean movePageHierarchy)
public EditContentBean setTargetId(String targetId)
public EditContentBean setParentPageString(String parentPageString)
public EditContentBean setPostingDay(String postingDay)
public EditContentBean setPostingTime(String postingTime)
public EditContentBean setNotifyWatchers(boolean check)
public boolean isNotifyWatchersChecked()
public ViewContentBean save()
public ViewContentBean cancel()
public void setWatchPage(boolean watchPage)
public boolean isWatchPageCheckboxVisible()
public boolean isRestrictionsButtonPresent()
public boolean isWatchPageCheckboxChecked()
public ViewContentBean saveMergeContent()
public void setCaptchaField(String captchaResponse)
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