@ReturnValuesAreNonnullByDefault @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault
Interface | Description |
AttachmentDataFileSystem |
Represents the filesystem used to store attachment data files.
AttachmentDataFileSystemInternals |
Defines operations that expose the internals of the filesystem structure used to store attachments.
Class | Description |
AttachmentDataStorageLocationResolver |
Resolves the location of the directory used to store attachment data.
ContentDirectoryStructureAttachmentDataFileSystem |
An implementation of
AttachmentDataFileSystem which stores the
attachment data as files on a filesystem, using the standard File API. |
FileSystemAttachmentDataDao |
An implementation of
AttachmentDataDao which stores the
attachment data as files on local filesystem, using the standard File API
or as blob on remote filesystem, using com.atlassian.filestore.client.api.FileStoreClient API
via the AttachmentDataFileSystem interface. |
UpdateAttachmentsOnFilesystemOnPageMoveHandler |
A listener interested in page and blog post move events which will ensure any attachments associated with a page/blog
post being moved are also moved to the new location.
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