@Internal public interface ConfluenceCache<K,V> extends com.atlassian.cache.Cache<K,V>, com.atlassian.cache.ManagedCache, ConfigurableCache<K,V>
One consequence of this is that Confluence code should not have Classes implementing Cache directly, but rather should implement this interface.
Whenever our management and service layers return these objects, they should return either Cache, ManagedCache, or ConfigurableCache, and never this interface directly.
clear, currentExpireAfterAccessMillis, currentExpireAfterWriteMillis, currentMaxEntries, getCacheCollector, getName, getStatistics, isFlushable, isLocal, isReplicateAsynchronously, isReplicateViaCopy, isStatisticsEnabled, setStatistics, updateExpireAfterAccess, updateExpireAfterWrite, updateMaxEntries
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